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文山評論:文學與文化 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Parenthetical Voice-over: Dialectical Audiovisual Structure in Hollis Frampton's (nostalgia) and Jonas Mekas's The Song of Avila
The Parenthetical Voice-over: Dialectical Audiovisual Structure in Hollis Frampton's (nostalgia) and Jonas Mekas's The Song of Avila
作者 Ming-Yu Lee (Ming-Yu Lee)
This paper aims to discuss the use of the voice-over in first-person cinema and its unique audiovisual structure. Employing notions of caméra-stylo from Alexandre Astruc, horizontal montage from André Bazin, sonic interstices from Laura Rascaroli, and Michel Chion's discussion on the sound in cinema, I try to examine in this paper how the voice-over has become the most common approach for revealing the filmmaker/author's presence, and further, how voice-over narration interacts with images within a dynamic parenthetical structure. By using Hollis Frampton's (nostalgia) and Jonas Mekas's The Song of Avila as case studies, I aim to establish that in parenthetical structure, the voice-over functions in various ways and can be seen as a novel perspective for treating audiovisual structure in the first-person cinema.
起訖頁 235-267
關鍵詞 voice-overHollis FramptonJonas Mekas(nostalgia)The Song of Avilaessay filmdiary film
刊名 文山評論:文學與文化  
期數 202112 (15:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學英國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 Wrong Life: Recent Critiques of Mediation in Saramago's Cave, Houellebecq's Possibility of an Island, and Lerner's 10:04
該期刊-下一篇 Animal Ghosts: L'Animot and the Crypt of Humanity




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