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Challenges faced by and misconceptions of teachers when conducting functional behavioral assessments and developing interventions
作者 蔡淑妃翁素珍
國內外有關行為功能評量與介入方案的培訓,多數研究主要在檢視訓練成效,較無探討受訓者於學習時遇到的挑戰或所產生的迷思概念,因此,本研究目的為探討在職教師在接受行為功能評量與介入方案的培訓後,將所學到的知識與技能進行個案實作歷程中,所遇到之挑戰或迷思概念。本研究採用質性內容分析,以受訓教師的實作討論紀錄為研究資料,資料來自於2016 至2018 年的初階與進階工作坊討論紀錄,分別為7 份與12 份,參與兩階段實作討論的高中職教師各有29 與19 位。研究結果發現這些受訓教師在行為功能評量與介入策略擬定的核心技能、相關技能與其他領域技能等方面是有挑戰的,且受訓教師在初階與進階培訓階段除了經歷不同的挑戰,也有共通的挑戰。而迷思概念則為期待行為觀察次數有標準答案、期待長短期目標的時間有統一的時程、認為行為教導就是告訴學生要做甚麼就足夠與誤解某些行為介入策略的意涵。本研究提出後續行為功能評量與介入方案培訓的研究,以及未來對教師訓練的主題與方式提出建議。
Purpose: Due to the importance of function-based intervention programs, county and city governments in Taiwan have invested considerable human and financial resources in training in-service teachers in functional behavioral assessments and function-based interventions. However, to the best of the researchers’ knowledge, only one previous empirical study in Taiwan has examined the effectiveness of functional behavioral assessments and function-based intervention training (Wu, 2017). Since 2000, empirical studies have been conducted in the United States focusing on comprehensive training for both functional behavioral assessments and function-based interventions (e.g., Dukes et al., 2008; Scott et al., 2005) or training for either functional behavioral assessments or function-based interventions (e.g., Crone et al., 2007; Loman & Horner, 2014; Strickland-Cohen & Horner, 2015). Most studies have employed paper-and-pen tests to assess the knowledge acquired by trainees (Crone et al., 2007; Strickland-Cohen & Horner, 2015; Strickland-Cohen et al., 2016). Although studies have contained case implementations, the results are usually outcome-oriented (Loman & Horner, 2014; Scott et al., 2005), with the challenges encountered by trainees in learning and practice rarely explored. The authors have found that when teachers are trained in behavioral functional intervention programs, the trainees do not passively accept the course content in their entirety because they are influenced by their experiences in dealing with behavioral problems and their prior knowledge. This phenomenon is consistent with findings in the literature, which indicates that learners learning a new concept are influenced by their experiences. Additionally, when the ideas or concepts developed from experience are appropriate, they can help learners acquire new knowledge. Conversely, when experience conflicts with new knowledge or is based on misconceptions, further learning may be hindered (Taylor & Kowalski, 2014). Thus, learning is about not only learning new concepts but also eliminating misconceptions (Sadler & Sonnert, 2016). Learner misconceptions must be identified early (Arntzen et al., 2010) because they become more difficult to challenge the longer they are believed to be correct (Godding & Metz, 2011; Taylor & Kowalski, 2004). Given the known influence of misconceptions in learning, it is essential to explore how misconceptions emerge during the teacher learning process. Previous studies on teacher training for functional behavioral assessments and function-based interventions have focused on training effectiveness, but the challenges and misconceptions during this process remain unclear. Thus, this study explored the challenges faced by and misconceptions of in-service teachers when conducting functional behavioral assessments and developing function-based interventions for live cases.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 行為功能介入方案行為功能評量迷思概念unctional behavior assessmentfunction-based interventionmisconception
刊名 特殊教育研究學刊  
期數 202203 (47:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 班級層級功能本位介入小組方案改善,國小融合班學生課堂參與行為之研究




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