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A Study on Prescription of Civil Law in Taiwan
作者 吳育芬
系所名稱:法律學系一般生組 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:101年 指導教授:吳從周 消滅時效為民法上重要課題之一,請求權時效完成與否,乃債權人能否順利請求債務人履行債務之關鍵,然我國民法消滅時效制度自立法迄今,幾未修正,以致於適用上存在許多爭議。本文首先闡述羅馬法時期時效制度之演變及時效制度存在目的,接著探討我國民法上適用消滅時效規定之請求權類型。再者,時效期間與起算點部分,本文認為應縮短一般時效期間,並統一時效期間之規範,時效起算點則應考量債權人主觀上是否知悉或可合理期待其知悉請求權基礎事實。另外,時效障礙之類型,我國民法僅有時效中斷及不完成,未有時效停止制度,然時效停止於意義、法律效果及功能方面,均與時效中斷或時效不完成制度有所差異,非時效中斷或時效不完成制度所能取代,因此本文認為應參考外國立法例,引進時效停止制度。最後,就消滅時效之效力部分,我國採抗辯權發生主義,時效完成僅賦予債務人拒絕給付之抗辯權,非使請求權當然消滅。本文主要透過整理最高法院相關判決之見解及學說發展,指出我國現行民法之闕漏,並藉由外國立法例之介紹及比較,期能提供未來消滅時效制度修法時之參考。
There is a lot of controversy on application of law since the system of extinctive prescription legislated in Taiwan. First, this paper describes the evolution of extinctive prescription in Roman law period and purpose of prescription system, then explores the types of rights subject to prescription. In system of extinctive prescription, period of extinctive prescription and there commencement play an important role. The study of this paper is attempting to discuss the existing problems on extinctive prescription and also tried to propose the forward suggestions of the rationality and feasible direction of amendments on applying to current relevant provisions. The main content of this paper are included that period of extinctive prescription should be reduced and amended to conformity. The commencement of extinctive prescription should be amended to begin to run from the time when the creditor know of, and could reasonably be expected to know of the identity of the debtor; or the facts giving rise to the right including, in the case of a right to damages, the type of damage.There are no suspension of prescription in civil law in Taiwan, only postponement of expiry and renewal of period. Suspension of prescription differs from postponement of expiry and renewal of period in definition、effect and function. Suspension of prescription can not be replaced by postponement of expiry and renewal of period. Therefore, with referring to foreign legislative example, this paper consider and adopt the suspension of extinctive prescription. Last, after the completion of a prescription, the debtor is entitled to refuse to perform his obligation.In conclusion, trough collating judge of Supreme Court and acadmic understanding, this paper clarify the legislation defect of civil law in Taiwan, and expect to provide reference for modification of civil law by introducing and comparing foreign legislation.
起訖頁 1-165
關鍵詞 適用消滅時效之請求權類型消滅時效期間消滅時效起算點主觀判斷基準時效障礙類型時效中斷時效停止時效不完成消滅時效完成之效力抗辯權發生主義外國立法例Extinctive prescriptionTypes of rights subject to prescriptionRoman lawPeriod of extinctive prescriptionCommencement of extinctive prescriptionSuspension of prescriptionPostponement of expiryRenewal of periodCompletion of prescriptionJudge of Supreme CourtForeign legislation
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 臺北大學 
該期刊-上一篇 著作之數位傳輸與權利耗盡原則
該期刊-下一篇 違反行政義務行為之處罰競合關係研究




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