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Practicability of Telecommunication Industry’s Openness under Cross-Strait Trade on Service Agreement with the reference of 4G-LTE
作者 呂嘉穎
系所名稱:財經法律研究所 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:105年 指導教授:林俊宏 世界各國逐漸以區域經濟貿易方式,透過經濟上的互通有無促進在市場的繁榮發展。對於兩岸來說,如何透過貿易來增進彼此經濟的發展,在兼顧原先內國市場之利益,並利用雙方協議的簽署來達到其在經貿上之策略效果,對於雙方公部門而言,須透過不斷的協商,並師法世界各國間對於多邊性貿易的機制來制定兩岸雙方經貿交流之協議。法制層面之規範對於協議來說,不僅有限制之效果,更有保護市場、監督業者等能力,因此如何藉由法制規範來剖析電信業於協議中開放程度與市場層面之影響,為本文所欲探求之對象。本文首先以兩岸電信發展史分析之,李世民曾言:『以銅為鏡,可以正衣冠;以古為鏡,可以知興替;以人為鏡,可以明得失。朕常保此三鏡,以防己過。』對於電信業法律隨著時間修正,及針對雙方電信法規缺失,以史為本就歷史沿革、法律層面、市場風貌等方面綜合討論之。兩岸皆已為WTO會員國之會員,在WTO下已有GATT、GATS等貿易性質的架構規範其會員國間有關市場經濟、雙邊貿易、開放承等類別,藉以使會員國中經貿市場、交流能以優於與其他非會員國之待遇,促進區域性質的經濟成長,為何另以ECFA就兩岸經貿市場開放、服務業貿易等,另作規範?而兩岸經貿協議在內容上、監督機制上,以及市場開放所造成的影響,又對於雙方市場是否帶來衝擊?而對於電信業市場來說,開放所帶來的是利多或利空,甚或是所開放之項目對於電信市場來說僅為一具為開放而開放的空殼,有無實質效益?本文將針對WTO下GATS之架構與ECFA中之兩岸服務貿易協議兩者對於電信業之市場開放與衝擊在法制層面與經濟層面做一分析與評估。在電信業中電信自由化為加入經貿組織最重要之成果。對於電信業來說,基礎設施部分仍未全面開放,能否藉由兩岸服務貿易協議開放的情況下,將電信基礎設施進一步的市場化、自由化。而在行動通訊上而言,4G-LTE為目前主要結合通訊、網路、電子支付等功能的最主要技術之一,雖兩岸對於無線電頻譜之使用、競標管理,有一定的法規限制,然而在兩岸服務貿易協議的開放下,是否對於電信自由化造成影響國家安全、人民資訊等作用?而對於4G-LTE來說,兩岸服務貿易協議對於電信市場層面,是否能如同協議簽署本意,促使雙方技術、經濟上之交流與創造區域電信之榮景,也不無疑問。本段以電信自由化與4G-LTE為骨幹,針對電信業是否應由兩岸服務業貿易協議下開放討論並分析。最後本文欲分析兩岸電信業在何架構下開放對於兩岸電信市場來說,較能創造利益、邁向區域經濟發展之結果,並提出本文之結論與建議。
Nowadays, many countries had gradually increased and emphasized the importance of international business transactions for economic growth via participating in more and more regional trade organizations. Aimed at future economic cooperation and mutual benefits, continuous trade negotiations and talks between PRC and Taiwan had also made for many years. Specially, how to mature the legal framework of cross-straits trade relationship become one of the most important issues for protecting domestic markets and superintending entrepreneurs’ behaviors. Meanwhile, the telecommunication industry is the booming industrial sector and considered as owning the most powerful impact on cross-straits trade in service. One of the most mighty emperors in Tang Dynasty, Lee Shih Ming, had ever said, “taking bronze as a mirror could check the outfits; taking history as an example could alarm the regime; taking people as the model could review the deeds, I always keep these three criterion in my mind against making any faults.”It is very critical to review and discuss the history of telecommunication industry in order to predict its future development. The thesis then would discuss the industrial, technological, and legal development of cross-straits telecommunications at the beginning. Next, it would bring the issue of signing “Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement” (ECFA). Both Taiwan and PRC are the members of WTO with signing the trade agreements of GATT and GATS, etc., to regulate economic and trade topics. Is it necessary to sign another trade agreement outside of the WTO system? The thesis thus would analyze the benefits, impacts and defects of signing the ECFA. As to telecommunication sector, does it bring advantages or disadvantages for market access? It would then explore the legal issues of telecommunication market and changes of telecommunication regulations in the past years. Under the WTO negotiations, the monopolized telecommunication market had been liberalized and the state-run telecommunication enterprises had been privatized which were the most significant achievement for both Taiwan and PRC. Under the future ECFA negotiations, does the telecommunication market go forward to opener environment? With the considerations of national security and privacy issue, was it possible for the basic telecommunication infrastructures open to cross-straits investment or operations under ECFA? For example, 4G-LTE is the newest telecommunication technique containing communication, internet and third-party payment, etc. within the same package. Both Taiwan and PRC had set certain regulations guiding its spectrum use and management. Since the development of 4G-LTE is one of the key sectors for trade in telecommunications, is it eligible to include this issue under ECFA and future cross-strait services trade negotiations? Finally, the thesis would analyze which way is better for cross-strait telecommunication negotiations? Under the WTO or ECFA, which one is more suitable and beneficial way or even achievable for cross-strait telecommunication market openness.
起訖頁 1-131
關鍵詞 兩岸服務貿易協議電信業GATS4G-LTEtelecomCross-Strait Service Trade Agreement
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 逢甲大學 
該期刊-下一篇 汽車燃料使用費課徵法律性質之研究




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