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A Study on the Exercise of Powers of the Military security personnel
作者 陳正忠
系所名稱:法律學系 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:108年 指導教授:周元浙、鍾秉正 為防範於未然,以預防國安風險轉變為實質危害,必須立法授權國軍保防機關可得採取蒐集資料、行政檢查等措施,然而如此的行政干預措施將會侵害人民的基本權利。在國軍保防人員僅能依組織權限行使危害防止措施範圍內,如何立法因應,以避免因為行使保障國家安全的職權,發動對人民無限上綱的監控措施,反而過度侵害人民受憲法保障的各項自由權利,深具研究價值。本文以國軍保防人員職權行使的適法性及相關法律問題為主要研究範圍,全文計分為四部分,分別討論國軍保防人員職權行使之概念及理論基礎、職權行使適法性之問題探討及職權行使衍生之相關法律問題,以國內法院的相關判決與法制,以及國內學說對現行法的法律依據評析,提出結論與建議。
In order to prevent the prevention of national security risks from becoming a real danger, it is necessary to legislate to authorize national military security agencies to take measures such as collecting information and conducting administrative inspections. However, such administrative intervention would violate the basic rights of the people. Within the scope of national security personnel, take precautionary measures in accordance with the authority of the organization, how to legislate to avoid exercising the power to protect national security, adopt supervisory measures, limit the use of the people, and excessively violate the constitutional guarantee of the people. The right to freedom has significant research value. This article focuses on the legality and related legal issues of the exercise of the powers of the national defense personnel. The full text is divided into four parts, and discusses the concept and theoretical basis of the exercise of the powers of the national defense personnel. Related legal issues arising from the exercise of powers and powers, based on the relevant judgments and legal systems of domestic courts, and domestic doctrines, analyze the legal basis of the existing law, and come up with conclusions and recommendations.
起訖頁 1-174
關鍵詞 職權行使組織權限保防工作反情報工作行政檢查Authority exerciseOrganization authoritySecurity workCounter-intelligence workAdministrative inspection
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 國防大學管理學院 




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