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Misidentification about the Subject of Excuse for Necessity
作者 陳奕廷
系所名稱:法律學系 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:98年 指導教授:蔡聖偉 「寬恕罪責事由」於刑法的體系定位及其概念內涵,在國內尚未有深入的研究,本論文即以寬恕罪責事由為主題,除了探討寬恕罪責事由背後的理論依據外,更就其發生「錯誤」之情形加以分析。為了限縮討論範圍,本論文選擇以寬恕罪責事由中的「緊急避難」為研究核心,並附帶釐清其與正當防衛間的關係。第壹章部分,涉及本論文之研究動機、目的、與方法,並取得用語上的共識。第貳章部分,將先以簡單的篇幅介紹通說見解對眾多負面事由的基礎概念。在此將簡介阻卻違法事由、排除罪責事由、寬恕罪責事由等等。第參章部分,聚焦於「寬恕罪責事由」。從罪責的實質非難基礎,深入探討寬恕罪責事由的本質與定位。第肆章部分,進入有關「緊急避難」的說明。本論文將使用相當大的篇幅來檢討緊急避難作為阻卻違法事由或寬恕罪責事由的本質意義以及成立要件,並就我國與德國思考角度的相異之處,提出分析、批評與立法建議,而為發生錯誤的情形立下討論基礎。第伍章部分,針對「錯誤理論」進行概略的說明。由錯誤所涉及的犯罪階層、錯誤所誤認的對象、錯誤係有利或不利於行為人三者,共同建構錯誤可能發生的類型與區塊。第陸章部分,重心將移至寬恕罪責事由的錯誤問題,本論文按德國文獻的討論方式將寬恕罪責事由錯誤分為「寬恕要件前提事實錯誤」與「寬恕規範錯誤」兩者,並針對兩種錯誤型態詳加討論。第柒章部分,提出本論文的研究心得與結論。
Fixed position and conception of the “Excuse” in criminal system are not thorou-ghly, carefully researched in Taiwan, so “Excuse” is the theme of this study. In addit-ion to explore the basis for “Excuse”, this study also analyses the situation about “themistake of Excuse.” In order to limit the range of discuss, this study chooses one of the Excuse—Necessity—to be the main theme, and differentiate between Necessity andSelf-defense additionally.In Chapter One, introduces the motivation, the purpose, the method of this study.In Chapter Two, will briefly introduce the “Negative Subject” in prevailing opini-on, here are the ground of legal justification, precluding culpability, exculpation and soon.In Chapter Three, will focus on Excuse. From the basis of substantial reproach a-bout the guilt, deeply into the nature and position of Excuse.In Chapter Four, introduces the subject of Necessity. This study will spend large scale discussing with the elements of Necessity, which to be a ground of legal justify-cation, or a ground of exculpation.In Chapter Five, introduces the “Mistake Theory”, by the questions: Which plane does the mistake happen? What object does the mistake connect with? Is the mistake in favor of perpetrator? we can recompose the system of “Mistake Theory.”In Chapter Six, the discussing barycentre will move to the Mistake of exculpation.This Mistake can divide into two groups: the Mistake of exculpation about fact or ab-out law. This study will fallow the grouping and analyze them.In Chapter Seven, there are my fruitful results and conclusion.
起訖頁 1-222
關鍵詞 阻卻違法(排除不法)事由排除罪責事由減輕罪責事由寬恕罪責事由他行為可能性預防必要性雙重罪責降低理論區分理論社會連帶性原則自主原則阻卻違法的緊急避難寬恕罪責的緊急避難防衛過當避難過當減輕不法事由錯誤理論寬恕要件前提事實錯誤寬恕規範錯誤誤想(偶然)避難過當誤想(偶然)避難救助構成要件故意的促進效用the ground of legal justificationthe ground of precluding culpabilitythe ground of exculpationother-action-abilitypreventive requirementthe theory of double-mitigate guiltdifferent theorysolidary principlesautonomous principlesNecessity of legal ju-stificationNecessity of exculpationexcessive self-defenseexcessive Necessitythe gr-ound of mitigate injusticeMistake theoryMistake of exculpation about factMistake of exculpation about lawimaginary excessive Necessity
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 東吳大學 
該期刊-上一篇 論中國大陸信託關係之定位及相關法律問題
該期刊-下一篇 論中國大陸信託關係之定位及相關法律問題




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