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The Legal Property Analysis of the Urban Planning
作者 蔡志宏 (Henry Tsai)
系所名稱:法律研究所 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:93年 指導教授:洪家殷 都市計畫之法律性質在學說及實務上向來有所爭議。司法院大法官釋字第156號公布後,雖然對此問題有權威性的界定,但這樣的爭議並沒有平息,反而引發更多的論爭。在這些論爭當中,基於有權利必有救濟的法理,傾向將都市計畫定性為行政處分,一直是有力的見解。甚至也一定程度地影響著釋字第156號的解釋結果。然而,僅單一考量救濟目的,而將都市計畫定性為行政處分,可能有失其周延之處。毋寧,從更為本質內涵之分析比較,才是更正確探求此一問題的方法。本此認知,本文乃先就此問題之實務學說見解進行回顧了解,其次即針對相關不同行政行為形式:法規命令、行政處分(包括一般處分)、行政計畫、行政契約等,進行概念本質之分析與掌握,之後再就不同定性加以比較研究,以便從更多面向來探求最適合都市計畫定性之行政行為形式。其中對於都市計畫如以法規命令定性時,其應有之法規位階及種類,以及相關行政救濟問題之解決,本文都有清楚的論述。實務上曾經發生的新里族細部計畫容積率爭議案,其問題的本質正是都市計畫之定性問題。本文亦藉此實例,就此一問題有更深入的研究與探討,以驗證抽象概念之比較分析,而為更完整週延的論述。經本文研究結果顯示,都市計畫無論是新擬定發布、通盤檢討或個別變更都應該以法規命令加以定性。此不惟無論何種都市計畫對於人民所生權利義務之影響並無不同,不應有所區別外,也比較符合都市計畫對於任何不特定人均生規範效力之特質。此外,以法規命令定性也較諸以行政處分定性,更容易對都市計畫為合法性之控制。至於以法規命令定性時之行政救濟問題,則應發展符合都市計畫特性之規範訴訟加以解決。
The legal property of the urban planning has been a disputatious issue in theory and in practice. The release of Judicial Yuan Interpretation NO.156 has settled the arguments authoritatively but triggered further controversies. Among these arguments, the interpretation of the legal property of urban planning inclined to administrative adjudication, based on the claim “the rights coexist with administrative appeal”, has always been one of the mainstreams. The interpretation, to certain extent, has also influenced the result of Judicial Yuan Interpretation NO.156. As a matter of fact, defining the legal property of urban planning from the sole point of administrative act is far from adequate. Therefore, further analysis from its true nature is required in order to seek for the utter comprehension of the question.This thesis wishes to conduct a comprehensive review on the legal property of urban planning from the theoretical and real practice approach. Next, a comparative study of the administrative order, the administrative act, (including general administrative act), the administrative plan and the administrative contract would followed by the comprehensive discussions of each, so that a most appropriate conclusion for the exploration of the format of the administrative behavior of urban planning is attained from a multi-dimensional manner. This thesis particularly expounds the classification and the rank of legality when defining urban planning in ordinance. It is also the purpose of this thesis to provide resolutions to related questions of administrative appeal while defining urban planning in ordinance. This thesis would also bring up a contentious case study of the floor space ration of the Shin Li Chu’s detail plan, where the core nature of the case is based on the legal defining of urban planning. Based on considerable qualitative researches, this thesis, is aiming to verify the comparison and analysis of numerous conceptual ideas, so that a better and larger understanding of the issue could be developed.According to the result of the researches conducted in this thesis, the urban planning should be defined by ordinance, no matter if it is in newly promulgation, the overhaul-review or respective alternations. The argument of defining urban planning by ordinances is based on its universal application of regulations on every human being and the identical measure of changes to the right and obligation of the regulated people. Moreover, defining urban planning by ordinances is more subject to legal control, as compared to defining in the administrative act. Last but not least, this thesis argues that the question of administrative appeal raised from defining urban planning by ordinances, should be solved from developing better and well-trimmed urban planning-oriented litigation norms.
起訖頁 1-118
關鍵詞 細部計畫行政契約行政計畫法規命令一般處分新里族細部計畫釋字第156號行政處分都市計畫
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 東吳大學 
該期刊-上一篇 醫療機構法人化之研究
該期刊-下一篇 醫療糾紛調解仲裁與補償制度之研究──以建構合理可行之醫療糾紛處理程序為目標




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