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L'envie D'aimer—The Discourse of Screenplay.
作者 方濟龍
系所名稱:數位媒體設計學系 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:102年 指導教授:黃明媛 古今中外,地震一直是無可避免地存在我們的身邊,作為渺小的人類,地震一直像是揮之不去的夢靨,好比九二一地震作為台灣人的集體記憶,研究資料甚多,然而市面上的影視作品卻著墨甚少—尤其是商業電影類,鮮少直接利用這個素材進行完整創作。本研究創作《渴望愛》電影劇本是個關於對父親存有偏見的兒子,心裡卻是始終渴求著父愛,在面對地震後天崩地裂的局面中,重新認識彼此的故事。主角是我自身的投射,我希望能在英雄追尋自我的的旅程中,也同樣地重新檢視我自己的內心對父親的態度。本研究創作主要是以三幕劇為基礎。首先我參照美國編劇理論學者ChristopherVogler所提倡的「卡爾‧榮格角色原型」(The Archetypes of Carl GustavJung)來形塑我的登場角色。接著依循美國編劇電影理論家Blake Snyder所創的十五個劇本節拍,更加細分整部戲劇的衝突過程,希望透過符合科學化且具商業價值的編劇理論基礎去創作電影劇本,達成好萊塢或是美式電影中最強調的「高概念」與「普世價值」。最後參照美國電影藝術與科學學院(奧斯卡)所主辦的劇本比賽「美國電影藝術與科學學院尼科爾獎學金」格式來完成本創作劇本的分場對白本。
The earthquake always happens around us at every time. We, human beings, are allover the world and regard it as a nightmare inevitably. For instance, The September21st Earthquake (The 921 Earthquake) in 1999 in Taiwan became our collectivememory. However, we do not have a feature film to describes it. This story,''L'envied'aimer'' is about a son who misunderstands his father. Nevertheless, deep inside hismind, he desires to love and be loved by his father. When the 921 earthquakehappened, they restarted to know each other.I put myself to become the protagonist, Li, Sheng-han. Just like him, I also have strictfather, and there is so much tension between us. I would like to write a screenplay, notonly to explore myself, but also try to fix the problem through the art therapy. I createthe characters through the Christopher Vogler's ''The Archetypes of Carl Gustav Jung''.The plots were inspired by ''The Day After Tomorrow'' and Thesis scripts of ''Father'sLove'' of Shih Hsin university.Moreover, this study explores the Three Act Structure a.k.a. Well-made Play or LaPièce Bien Faite. I construct my scripts by Blake Snyder's 15 Beats from his book,''Save The Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need''(2005). In order tocomplete my scripts, I use the format of the Academy Nicholl Fellowships inScreenwriting of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (Oscars), U.S.A.
起訖頁 1-477
關鍵詞 九二一地震光復新村災難電影家庭倫理電影父子關係三幕劇Christopher Vogler之卡爾‧榮格角色原型Blake Snyder之搶救貓咪公式奧斯卡劇本比賽美國電影藝術與科學學院尼科爾獎學金The September 21st Earthquake (The 921 Earthquake)GuangfuVillage, Wufeng District, Taichung City, TaiwanDisaster FilmFamily Ethics FilmThe Three Act StructureWell-made PlayLa Pièce Bien FaiteThe Archetypes of CarlGustav Jungby Christopher VoglerSave The Cat!'s 15 BeatsThe Academy NichollFellowships in Screenwriting of the Oscars Format
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 亞洲大學 




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