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The Research of Autonomy of Surrogacy in the Surrogacy Act Draft
作者 陳欣怡
系所名稱:法律學系 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:106年 指導教授:侯英泠、郭書琴 本文在國家開放代孕、肯認代孕契約有效且得以執行之雙重前提下,透過女性主義法學理論,以女性之觀點及處境、具體的生活經驗為出發,討論代孕者與委託夫妻締訂代孕契約及履約過程中,代孕者身體自主權出讓界線應如何劃定方能保護代孕者「身體自主權」。本文首先評析我國就懷孕女性生殖地位之立法政策,提出對代孕者三重壓迫之隱憂。而後分析英國及美國加州相關代孕立法政策及實際案例,觀察英美於立法及司法判決上對於代孕契約之看法及如何透過實務操作或法規實質地保護代孕者於代孕過程中之身體自主權。最後檢視及評議我國最新之人工生殖法修正草案,發現本草案強加代孕者諸多責任,以及對於代孕者勞務給付之漠視,反而是侵害代孕者身體自主權之關鍵。本文認為欲保障代孕者之實質身體自主權,須由法律、醫療、經濟三個層面的保護檢視,即一個代孕者能夠擁有完善且完整之法律資源、醫療資源及經濟資源,其能獲得之保護始能讓代孕者享有實現其完全「身體自主權」之可能。
Under the premise that surrogate pregnancy is allowed and the corresponding contract is valid, this article analyzes the boundary of the surrogacy to draw to protect her physical autonomy using feminist jurisprudence’s approach. I first review pregnant women’s legal status under Taiwanese Law, discussing the oppression underneath. Then I analyze related acts in both the United Kingdom and the United States along with related legal precedents as paradigms to protect surrogates’ autonomy. Finally, I examine the Artificial Reproduction Bill in Taiwan, finding that this bill not only enforces enormous responsibilities on the surrogates but completely ignore their labor. Such articles deprive one’s physical autonomy.To conclude, surrogates’ physical autonomy can be realized if and only if they can access to complete legal, medical, and economic resources, which should be carefully protected by the Artificial Reproduction Bill.
起訖頁 1-222
關鍵詞 代孕身體自主權女性主義代孕契約有償代孕代孕生殖草案SurrogacyAutonomy of SurrogacyFeminismPaid SurrogacySurrogacy Act Draft
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 成功大學 
該期刊-上一篇 不實廣告在刑法上之評價——兼論詐欺罪之界線
該期刊-下一篇 不實廣告在刑法上之評價——兼論詐欺罪之界線




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