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A Study on the Temporary Protection System of Rights-- Focus on the Environmental Protection Law
作者 林哲民
系所名稱:法律學系 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:106年 指導教授:李惠宗 中科三期案環境影響評估及開發許可之法律爭訟,係首遭最高行政法院撤銷審查結論,以及另裁定開發許可停止執行與開發行為定暫時狀態,因行政機關對判決及裁定所採取「停工不停產」之作法,引發社會熱烈討論(實為撻伐)。因此,前開爭訟中原告所主張之環境權是否為一種基本權,而得持之以為救濟?環境案件或環境法上有關暫時權利保護機制之運作,究係如何?以免因開發行為成之損害或違法之行政處分持續危害,縱使爭訟獲得勝訴判決,而該損害或實害已無法有效回復或救濟所受損害之權利,該勝訴判決已無實益,致使權利救濟徒勞無功,作實了”遲來的正義,已非正義”之法諺。甚至因環境案件開發對環境衝擊之不可回復特性,而在行政機關未作成行政處分前,以之提起預防性訴訟,提前保障環境、維護人民健康。本文係以環境保護法制上之暫時權利保護制度為研究,從基本權功能體系探討環境權為一種基本權,更由環境權推衍出其健康權之本質,而經由環境法的執行積極建構符合健康的環境。為此,基於訴訟權之保障,應有健全的暫時權利保護制度,甚至容許提起預防性訴訟,暫時權利保護機制與預防性訴訟之策略應用,方得以滿足權利之保障。進而提出結論與建議。
The approval of environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the Chising Site,Houli Park of Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP) was the first case to be revoked by the Supreme Administrative Court, with development permit terminated and preliminary injunction in development. The judgement by the administrations that CTSP still delivering products during downtime has grabbed the society’s attention, which is in fact, aroused controversies. Therefore, according to the plaintiff’s statement, whether the environmental right belongs to fundamental rights, and whether that is its right of relief, and how the temporary legal right protection system related to environmental issues and laws works are discussed? How to avoid impact caused by the misjudgment and impairment of the rights? Because even the lawsuit was won, the harm caused is irreversible, just as the dialog says: “Justice delayed is justice denied” In addition, due to irreversibility of environmental impact by the development, it is suggested to pursue preventive litigation before the administrative penalty is imposed, in order to protect the environment and people’s health in advance. This research focuses on the temporary right protection system of the Environmental Protection Law, discussing the environmental rights as a part of natural rights from its rooted fundamental right systems. Furthermore, the nature of right of health deduced from environmental right will be studied to achieve a healthier environment by implementing the environmental law. Based on the reasons previously mentioned to fully assure the nature rights, including a complete temporary right protection system, capability of preventive litigation, as well as application of such strategies, conclusion and suggestions will be studied and discussed.
起訖頁 1-173
關鍵詞 環境權健康權訴訟權行政訴訟暫時權利保護機制停止執行保全程序預防性訴訟環境影響評估預防原則合作原則Environmental rightsright to healthlitigationadministrative litigationtemporary rights protection mechanismcessation of enforcementpreservation procedurespreventive actionenvironmental impact assessmentprecautionary principlecooperation principle
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 中興大學 
該期刊-上一篇 植物相關發明保護之研究
該期刊-下一篇 植物相關發明保護之研究




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