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A study on the Law and Policy of EU All Inclusive Information Society - With Reference to the Construction of Taiwan's Ubiquitous Network Society
作者 胡志青
系所名稱:科技法律研究所 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:96年 指導教授:高玉泉 電信產業由於其特殊性,及其經濟規模特性,向來被視為國家重要事業,呈現出高度管制、公營獨占的運作方式。然而,由於近十多年來,電信產業因技術的持續快速變化,發生了產業環境和運作模式的劇烈變動,面對不斷產生的創新應用,過去一直習以為常的法律管制法律架構,似乎難以適用在這早已大不相同的環境。究竟該不斷的修法逐一納入管制,亦或是該從通訊的本質來重新思考一個上位概念的管制架構?本文以觀察歐盟執委會自1987年至2003年提出電信管制框架,及其電信改革成果為基礎來推動的全方位資訊社會規劃,來探討面對科技匯流的趨勢下,各種新興的法律議題。並以資訊社會下的不同角色的觀點,分別整理無間隙網路社會實現的過程中,各項法律議題的成因和窒礙之處,而進一步檢討我國現有法令規範之不足之處。針對世界各資訊先進國家,紛紛進行打造無間隙網路社會願景,本文希冀藉由研究歐盟對於資訊社會的規劃精神,能獲得些許我國正積極規劃無間隙網路社會的啟示,並試圖提出幾點我國法律未來可能的方向與可行的改革手段。
Telecommunication industry is regarded as the key developing target due to its particularity and the characteristic of economical scale, and consequently takes on highly control and operates in the way of monopoly publicly-owned. However, because of the rapidly developing of technology, there have been dramatic changes on the environment and business model in the decade, so we found that legal system is not complete enough to regulate innovative applications nowadays. In order to face the difficulties, is it necessary to improve the current legal system, or develop a new management system based on the characteristics of telecommunication? This study is based on the observation of the regulation framework and achievement of the telecommunication reform by European Commission from 1987 to 2003, resulting in the scheme of fully inclusive information society, to investigate different newly raised legal issues under the tendency of convergence of technology. Besides, from the views of different roles in the information society, through the study of the accomplishment of ubiquitous network socity, the reasons of legislation and the difficulties are identified, and further to evaluate the current legal system in Taiwan. Nowadays every leading country in development of telecommunication has been setting up the ideal ubiquitous network socity. Through the study of development of legal system for the information society, this research aims to provide the potential direction and guideline for the future legislation on ubiquitous network society issue in Taiwan.
起訖頁 1-364
關鍵詞 無間隙網路社會管制框架科技匯流資訊社會資通訊政策Ubiquitous Network SocietyRegulatory FrameworkConvergenceInformation SocietyICT policy
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 中興大學 
該期刊-上一篇 我國人體組織利用管制架構之研究
該期刊-下一篇 我國人體組織利用管制架構之研究




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