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The Reform of Taiwan’s Decentralization System under the Impact of Globalization:The Lesson from The Local Governance Experience in France
作者 劉文仕
系所名稱:中山學術研究所 學位別:博士 畢業學年:100年 指導教授:蔡政文 面對全球日趨一體化的今天,政府的角色職能不能不有所轉變,且應有更大的靈活性,以因應瞬息萬變的國際情勢變遷。反觀臺灣,不僅自治組織的架構,被憲法禁錮在特定的幾個類目與層級,限制了機動調整與再建構的可能性;憲法第11章也將中央與地方的權限「卡死」;司法院大法官又引進聯邦國家的「制度保障」概念,無形中對權限宏觀調控的機能,產生某程度的障礙。兼以長期以來中央透過立法,展開天羅地網的規範密度,幾乎囊括了所有的事務管轄權;地方只能在各項專業法律容許的空隙內,分霑中央施捨的有限權限。因此,縱使各界已充分理解21世紀全球化下分權改革的趨勢,也洞悉國際競爭的迫切需要,但憲法卻完全無法提供支援。本論文一方面從歷史制度的觀點,分析臺灣地方制度核心思想的變遷走向;另一方面從資源依賴的觀點,解構中央與地方權力互動的實際情形。並進一步從跨國比較所得的法國發展模式,思索如何進行制度學習,歸整出適合於我國制度變遷的方案。其研究成果至少應有如下貢獻:一、可彌補府際關係研究的缺環;二、開拓地方制度跨國比較學習的領域;三、找出我國垂直分權法制興革的證據;四、提供地方與中央權力交鋒的策略;五、因應未來變革建構制度配套。尤其,2010年12月25日起,臺灣出現權力直逼內閣的5位直轄市長,雖然各界對這樣的發展多感憂心;但未來制度變革,絕不可能重新來過。本論文認為5都的形成,絕不是制度變革的終結,而是臺灣因應全球競爭所必須進行的區域整合行動的起點。關鍵在於:面對全球化下國際競爭的嚴峻挑戰,如何在這樣的基礎上,以宏觀格局的思維,進行長遠性的規劃?下一步棋要怎麼走?未來將如何發展?尤其,面對全球化競爭壓力,國家機關權力、功能與統治權威如何重新建構?應賦予中央與地方之間何種權力關係模式?本論文接受路徑依賴的現實,在本土地方制度變遷的軌道上,從資源依賴的觀點,借鑑全球化衝擊下法國因應經驗的啟發,提出臺灣垂直分權體系在「憲法因應全球化的全面翻修」及「在現行憲法架構下局部改革」兩套改革策略,建議:(一)建構中央——整合層——服務層的三級政府架構;(二)以一主要都會連結區域整體發展;(三)減少垂直監督科層為中央——地方二級體制;(四)建立派駐地方的雙元管理系統;(五)制定專法進行功能性的權限垂直調整。
Facing the tide of global unification, the role and function of the government must be changed to become more flexible in order to effectively cope with the variable international situation. But in Taiwan, you can see such unbelievable phenomena as the framework of autonomous organizations confined within several specific categories and levels by the consititution to cause a restraint on its tactical adjustment and the possibility of rebuilding, the trapped authorities of the central and local government due to the regulations of the Chapter Eleven of the constitution and the concept “System Guarantee” introduced by the grand justice of the Judicial Yuan from the federal nations to hinder the function of the macro control of the authority. In addition, the central government has ceaselessly extended its governance power to the complete administration system through legislation, which caused that the local government could share only limited authorities within the allowable space of the law distributed by the central government. Hence, even though all experts and scholars from different fields fully understand the trend of the reform of decentralization system under the globalization of this twenty-one century and have an insight into the pressing needs of international competition, the constitution cannot anyhow provide any support to the local government.This paper is intended to analyse the transition trend of of the core thoughts of Taiwan’s local system from the viewpoint of historical institutionalism and to uncover the actual situation of interaction between the central power and the local government from the viewpoint of resource dependency. Furthermore, how to learn from the French model after a transnational comparison of system development models to find out a suitable system for Taiwan is also the study emphasis of this paper. The contribution of the research findings of this paper is as following: 1) to make up the lack of a study on an intergovernmental relationship; 2) to expand the field of the transnational comparison of local system for learning; 3) to discover the evidence for the history of the legal system of vertical decentralization in Taiwan; 4) to offer the strategy about the power battle between the central and local government; and 5) to propose a project that can respond to the future system reform and construction. Particularly since December 25, 2010, there have been five municipal mayors of newly created special municipalities born in Taiwan from the municipal mayoral election whose powers have become a threat to the Cabinet, which made people from different fields feel very worried. However, all we have to know when the system reform was implemented, it cannot go back in the futrue. This paper is thus to conclude that the formation of five special municipalities is absolutely not the end of the system reform but the beginning of regional integration action Taiwan has taken for responding to the global competition. The key points lie in while facing severe challenges of international competition under globalization, how to carry out a long-range plan based on the current foundation with macro thought model, how to take next step, how to develop the future, particularly how to reconstruct the power, function and authoritative dominion of the government organizations and how to distribute the powers among the central and local government.This paper is to accept the reality of path dependency and based on the transitional path of the local system, to propose two sets of reform strategyies for Taiwan’s vertical decentralization system, “Comprehensive amendment of the constitution coping with globalization” and “Partial reform of the framework of the existing constitution”, through the inspiration of French experience from the viewpoint of resource dependency, which suggest 1) to construct three levels of governmental administration framework from the central authorities, integration level to service level; 2) to build a complete development from the main metropolitan linked to the local area; 3) to simplify the government’s vertical supervision to be the two-level system of the central and local government; 4) to set up the management system with double chief in the local government; and 5) to enact the special law for the vertical adjustment of the functional authority.
起訖頁 1-401
關鍵詞 全球化分權改革法國地方治理資源依賴理論
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 中國文化大學 
該期刊-上一篇 以權利變換或協議合建方式實施民辦都更之物權變動研究
該期刊-下一篇 不當勞動行為規範之研究




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