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bResearch on the Application of Blockchain Technology in Digital Evidence-Take the Collection and Identification of Criminal Digital Evidence as an Example
作者 魯志遠
系所名稱:財經法律學系 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:109年 指導教授:陳櫻琴 隨著時代發展犯罪日趨數位化,犯罪過程必然因利用科技設備,留下數位化之犯罪線索或證據,執法機關為發現事實,利用科技方法進行犯罪偵查及蒐證是法定責任。但目前刑事訴訟法以傳統證據特性為主,欠缺針對數位證據本質規範,數位證據特性為具無限複製性、複製具無差異性,為確保數位證據於蒐集、保管及鑑識過程,不被偽變造污染,建置從蒐集數位證據到鑑識報告的正當法律程序,為當前司法必須面對重要議題。中本聰2009年提出比特幣,虛擬貨幣發展運用區塊鏈技術,讓人們相信區塊鏈為真理機器能提供信任價值,對社會帶來更多元應用。對於人們而言,法律就是準則;對區塊鏈而言,程式就是法律,面對數位證據之本質特性,法律與區塊鏈都係建立人們信任數位證據標準。執法機關嘗試運用區塊鏈之不可竄改性、不可否認性及永久保存性,運用科技方式提供數位證據之認證、存證及驗證方式,具備公開透明、時間序列且完整記錄的司法證據區塊鏈,提升數位證據之證據能力,攸關憲法保障人民訴訟權是否能具體落實。國家運用區塊鏈技術提供司法證據區塊鏈,蒐集效率化、儲存去中心化及審查實質化三大功能,未來仍要觀察司法實務發展情形,解決區塊鏈運用之技術、風險及法制三個限制,評估司法聯盟區塊鏈之可行性。以執法機關角度嘗試於數位證據鑑識報告及雲端數位證據方式運用區塊鏈技術,提出法律配合科技發展,確保數位證據從生成到法庭呈現過程,有效證明真實性和完整性之方案,本文綜合刑事數位證據蒐集與鑑識之特性、程序成本因素,運用區塊鏈建置數位證據程序,能具體落實憲法保障人民訴訟權目的,建議考量法律程序性及技術可靠性後,使區塊鏈成為落實及維持訴訟證據程序運作之強化措施,降低數位證據所引發證據能力爭議。
Given the evolution of the times, the higher degree of criminal activities involving digitization. Due to the use of new technological equipment,it must inevitably leave digitized criminal clues or evidences in the process of crimes. In order to discover the facts, it is the statutory duty for law enforcement agencies to use advanced technology to conduct criminal investigations and evidence collections. The characteristics of digital evidence are different from traditional evidence; however, the relevant provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure are mainly applicable to the characteristics of traditional evidence. There is no clear standard for digital evidence. The characteristics of digital evidence are infinitely reproducible, and the reproduction is indistinguishable, so it is inevitable to face the risk of forgery and alteration. In order to ensure that digital evidence is not contaminated during the collection, storage and identification process, how to establish a proper legal process from the collection of digital evidence to the issuance of an identification report is an important issue that must be faced by the judicial system. Satoshi Nakamoto developed bitcoin in 2009, and subsequently, the blockchain-based virtual currency has developed rapidly. It makes people believe that blockchain is a truth machine and can provide trust value and inspires many application ideas. The program is the law for the blockchain, and the law is the norm for people. Therefore, considering the characteristics of digital evidence such as the possibility of modification and recovery, the combination of law and blockchain technology can enable people to trust the standard of digital evidence to enhance the admissibility of digital evidence. The blockchain has the characteristics of immutability, non-repudiation and permanent preservation. Law enforcement agencies try to use the blockchain technology to solve the requirement of maintaining the identity of digital evidence. Whether the litigation right guaranteed by the Constitution can be implemented concretely will depend on the use of new technology to effectively authenticate, storage and verify digital evidence, establishment of an open and transparent digital evidence blockchain with time series and complete records, and enhancement the admissibility of digital evidence in the proceedings.If the use of blockchain technology to establish a digital evidence chain can be fully implemented, it will achieve three functions:efficient collection, decentralized storage, and substantive review. In the future, it is necessary to observe the development of judicial practice, solve the three restrictions of technology, risk and legality faced by the use of blockchain, and then evaluate the possibility of the establishment of a judicial alliance blockchain by relevant judicial institutions. From the perspective of law enforcement agencies, the Bureau of Investigation, Ministry of Justice proposed to use blockchain technology in digital evidence identification reports and the seizure of digital evidence preserved in the cloud. The law should be amended in accordance with technological development to ensure that the authenticity and completeness of digital evidence can be effectively proven from the generation to the appearance of the court.After comprehensively considering the characteristics, procedures and costs of collection and identification of criminal digital evidence, this article believes that the use of blockchain to establish a digital evidence program can specifically implement the purpose of the Constitution to guarantee the right to litigation. In the future, after considering the legal procedural and technical reliability, the legislature should as soon as possible formulate relevant regulations that ensure human rights protection and promote criminal discovery, so that the blockchain can become the evidence preservation procedure clearly permitted by the Code of Criminal Proc
起訖頁 1-177
關鍵詞 區塊鏈數位證據證據能力科學證據電子簽章法聯盟鏈刑事訴訟blockchaindigital evidenceevidence capabilitiesscientific evidenceelectronic signature lawalliance chaincriminal litigation
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 中原大學 
該期刊-上一篇 內線交易罪主體之研究
該期刊-下一篇 公司敵意併購防禦措施之研究




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