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A study of Transnational Parental Responsibility Matters
作者 吳書寧
系所名稱:法律研究所 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:96年 指導教授:蔡華凱 全球化世紀的來臨,跨國界人民於私法生活接觸頻繁,常見於異國婚姻的締結。亦隨著離婚率提高、經濟不穩定性與再婚普及,跨國監護事件於焉產生。近來著名之跨國監護事件,亦常成為時事焦點,例如巴西吳憶樺事件以及台美爭女大戰,對於此類型涉外親權及監護事件與國際誘拐子女事件,我國法院關於前述案例,如何於涉外私法事件之處理程序中,決定國際裁判管轄權、準據法選擇以及外國親權及監護裁判之承認與執行?本文主要內容分成三部分,首先,論述涉外親權及監護事件國際裁判管轄之決定方法,對此國際管轄我國法律皆付之闕如,常見於司法實務直接適用我國管轄規定,或是採取類推適用說,甚至以先行決定準據法選擇,適用中華民國法後再以我國法決定管轄。本文嘗試整理1980年誘拐子女海牙公約、1996年海牙保護子女公約以及2003年歐盟新布魯塞爾規則II,與我國學說理論,歸納出具基礎理論之國際裁判管轄規則。再者,論述對於國際誘拐子女事件,中華民國法院做為新法庭地國是否具備國際裁判管轄?從國際社會法政策之趨勢觀之,國際社會對於誘拐子女情形,其規範價值,似是兒童需要穩定的環境,所有對兒童不利的遷徙,都應予以防免。因此,而有首先均是程序上的處理,原則上儘速一年內立即返還未成年子女於原慣居地國,至原慣居地國法院進行監護權歸屬之實體審理,避免於新法庭地國曠日費時地延宕訴訟程序,反而不利兒童身心發展(壹)。其次,關於涉外親權及監護事件選法規則之模式,不同定性準則,其對準據法之決定,亦有不同擇定結果。於何種選法規則模式,最能符合個案中的子女最佳利益?本文引進海牙國際公約「慣居地」做為屬人法則之新興連繫因素,並兼採「實體法方法論」。大陸法系硬性選法規則之模式,以抽象預設之連繫因素,充其量僅提供涉外事件「假設合理」之連結,至於能否做為提供涉案當事人妥當裁判結果,傳統選法規則模式留給國際私法學界一個大問號。本文以為,為衡平個案妥適性之考量,得從實體法原則切入,將連繫因素予以「實體化」,亦即選法時之注入實體考量(貳)。關於外國裁判之承認與執行部分,論及民事訴訟法第402條第1項各款規定,其與涉外案例法律事實之涵攝,從中,歸納出各款適用準則。再者,論及涉外民事訴訟之一事不再理原則。基於涉外事件之涉外特殊性,本文以為宜採「新訴訟標的理論」(參)。本文之特色在於各章首節蒐集相關涉外實務案例,共計28則,從中觀察國際民事程序之「子女最佳利益」的司法實踐,以及其與國際民事訴訟法理之適用與包攝。「子女最佳利益」除實體面向之立法實證之外,於程序面向極富詮釋意涵,此亦是涉外親權及監護事件之最高指導原則,以及相關國際公約之立法宗旨,即以子女之利益為考量,對於國際誘拐子女事件之程序上處理,採取立即返還原則。申言之,整合相關實務見解、國際公約以及學說理論,探索國際民事程序上「子女最佳利益」之法實證,即「子女最佳利益」與國際裁判管轄判斷,本文係採「法理說」方法,以國際民事訴訟法理決定管轄事務之分配,「子女最佳利益」係包攝於當事人之間的公平、裁判的正當以及程序的迅速與經濟等程序法理與否判斷之中,若違反前開法理則以違反特別情事,得否定法庭地國之國際裁判管轄;並論及「子女最佳利益」與準據法選擇及適用,以及其與外國親權及監護裁判之承認與執行之盱衡。綜言之,對於涉外親權及監護事件我國法院得藉由案例積累,朝向程序參與之設計,建構決定國際裁判管轄理論,以及累積適用各準據法國「子女最佳利益」之判斷與各項基準,作出令當事人信賴之酌定親權或監護決定,以及配合專業社工單位進行科際整合,逐漸形成一套符合子女最佳利益與國際民事程序法理之紛爭解決模式。
Today , people cross-border states usually interact in the field of their private life at the global age . With rising divorce rates , an unreliable economy and the popularity of remarriage , cross-border custody issues often become famous news , such as the Brazilian Boy or American-Taiwan Emily matters in Taiwan society. Toward these custody cases , Taiwanese courts have to reconsider and approve several factors to for determining the international jurisdiction to adjudicate , applicable law and recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments under the principle of the best interests of the child in international civil procedure . The main three chapters compose this essay. In the first place , this article explains the skeleton methodology of direct international jurisdiction relating to transnational parental responsibility matters from the point view of the theory . Besides , it also generalizes the rules of international jurisdiction in accordance with the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention , the 1996 Hague Child Protection Convention , and the 2003 New Brussels Regulation II . Then , it gives an exploratory picture of the landscape on international child abduction cases in non-Hague Convention country , Taiwan . It analyses and be taken account into the determination of direct international jurisdiction in new forum state , Taiwan . From the international point of view , the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention proclaims that the authority of the contracting state shall to protect children internationally from the harmful effects of their wrongful removal or retention and to establish procedures to ensure their prompt return to the State of their habitual residence ,a period of less than one year , as well as to secure protection for rights of access .Although Taiwan is non-Hague Convention country , it shall follow this legal principle in order to fit in with the international tendency of the elimination of child abduction .(chapter three) Secondly , the different criterion to determine characterization would be made the different determination of applicable law in transnational parental responsibility matters . This essay discusses which methodology of choice of law in accordance with individual justice and the best Interests of the child . The approach of the choice of rules in Taiwan is traditional black-letter conflict rules. Basis on mechanical methodology of this rule , the opinion of the article is that it has become possible to think of “habitual residence”of the new connecting factors in the Hague international private law commission and to apply law according to substantial tenor. Above opinions will be presented in chapter four.Thirdly , the sole criterion for Taiwanese courts to decide whether recognition foreign Judgments of parental responsibility is the application of the Article 402 of Civil Procedure Law . But , as to the interpretation and application of Article 402 , in particular Article 402(1)concerning indirect international jurisdiction , there is obvious different interpretation and application . That is , the criterion to determination of indirect international jurisdiction is identical to the determination of direct international jurisdiction . At final , it explores the legal principle of“ne bis in idem”in international civil procedure . (chapter five)This article takes 28 Taiwanese-court transnational parental responsibility cases for instance and explains the criterion of the principle of the best interests of the child and the legal principles in the international civil procedure . Firmly it convinced that the interests of children are of paramount importance in matters relating to their custody. From the aspects of these custody cases , this essay proposes that Taiwanese courts shall cooperate with the social and family machinery to solve transnational parental responsibility matters , taking into consideration the best interests of the child in international civil procedure.
起訖頁 1-261
關鍵詞 國際私法國際民事訴訟法父母責任國際誘拐子女不法移送或留置子女最佳利益原則1980年海牙誘拐子女公約1996年海牙保護子女公約2003年新魯賽爾規則II國際裁判管轄(權)實體法方法論個案公平正義外國判決的承認與執行基準同一說民事訴訟法第402條Private International lawInternational Civil ProcedureParental ResponsibilityChild AbductionWrongful removal or retentionthe Principle of the Best Interests of the Childthe 1980 Hague Child Abduction Conventionthe 1996 Hague Child Protection Convention, the 2003 New Brussels Regulation IIInternational Jurisdiction to AdjudicateMethodology of Substantive Lawindividual justiceRecognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgmentsthe Article 402 of Civil Procedure
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 中正大學 
該期刊-上一篇 銀行境外投資衍生性金融商品之監理機制
該期刊-下一篇 銀行境外投資衍生性金融商品之監理機制




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