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Navigation Surgical Robot of Thermal Ablation for Liver Cancer Surgery
作者 王冠茹邱緯翔楊宗翰許成彬陳家進杜翌群
根據全球手術機器人的市場發展趨勢統計,目前外科手術機器人的經濟規模 2025 年將 上看 130 億美元;另外根據世界衛生組織的報告指出,肝癌是全球致命癌症排名第二,如何在手術中保留患者較多的肝臟以維持生命的需求,是目前臨床上相當重要的議題。目前熱消融術對於小於 2 公分的腫瘤或多腫瘤的肝癌病患,是相當適合的治療方式之一,這樣的手術方式相當適合利用導航手術機器人來輔助。本文除了對導航手術機器人進行簡介外,也以雙手臂的肝癌熱消融導航手術機器人為例,介紹所需的機器視覺空間定位技術、交互式機械手臂控制與超音波影像與熱消融資訊回饋等,並搭配假體展示成果。
According to statistics on the global market development trend of surgical robots, the current economic scale of surgical robots will increase to 13 billion U.S. dollars, showing its high development potential. On the other hand, according to a report from the World Health Organization (WHO), liver cancer is the second deadliest cancer in the world. How to preserve more livers during surgery to maintain life is a clinically important issue currently. At present, thermal ablation is one of the most suitable treatment methods for patients with tumors smaller than 2 cm or with multiple tumors. However, during the treatment, it is necessary to rely on preoperative analysis of Computed Tomography (CT), intraoperative machine vision and real-time ultrasound image analysis to assist the doctors in puncturing the correct position of liver tumor and performing thermal ablation. This surgical method is suitable for using navigation of robotic-assisted system to assist spatial positioning, and the system can also perform real-time ultrasound image analysis and information feedback of thermal ablation. In addition to an introduction to the navigation of robotic-assisted system, this article also takes the dual-arm robotic-assisted system of liver cancer thermal ablation as an example to introduce the required spatial positioning technology of machine vision, interactive robotic arm control and ultrasonic image feedback, etc., and will conduct a phantom experiment to show its results.
起訖頁 60-73
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 202112 (229期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 無創手術聚焦超音波熱消融技術
該期刊-下一篇 後疫情,新健康──零接觸經濟:智慧健促服務系統




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