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Propagated sensations along the Kidney Meridian of Foot-Shaoyin from a patient with end stage lupus nephritis receiving bilateral renal transplant: a case study
作者 張永明 (Yeong-Ming Chang)張家誠李伊婷
本研究目的主要是探討腎臟在不同功能衰退狀態下,足少陰腎經之經脈感傳是否依然存在。實驗方法是針對一位經過兩次腎移植之狼瘡性腎炎終末期腎病患者,具有高度的經脈感傳感知能力,選定針刺足少陰腎經復溜穴,並對照足太陰脾經三陰交穴。首先針刺右側復溜、三陰交,接序針刺左側復溜、三陰交,進針10 mm後,快速捻針30秒直到得氣,錄影並記錄感傳部位、強弱、溫度變化,4-7天針刺1次,共進行5次實驗。結果顯示針刺足少陰腎經之復溜穴時,左側功能腎感傳向上至後腹腔、脅肋;右側衰竭腎感傳僅上至鼠蹊部。對照脾臟功能正常狀態,針刺雙側足太陰脾經三陰交穴時,雙側皆可感傳向上至腹腔、胸前、頸項。此外,探討經脈感傳特性時,個案明確感受腎經感傳呈涼感,而脾經感傳呈溫熱感。
Objective: This study examined the relations between acupoint characteristics, visceral organ functions and meridians by repetitively recorded PSCs followed by stimulating Foot-Shaoyin and Foot -Taiyin on a patient with end stage lupus nephritis receiving bilateral renal transplants with different levels of renal function. Methods: We stimulated bilateral Fuliu (KI7) and Sanyinjiao (SP6) for this study, with Sanyinjiao (Foot-Taiyin) served as a self-contrast method to compare with the actual PSCs reactions from Foot-Shaoyin. Patient supine, 0.27 × 40 mm needles were inserted approximately 25 mm into skin, and with twirling manipulation for de qi. The body locations, intensities, and temperature changes of PSCs were documented and video recorded, then the needles were withdrew after 10 minutes. The overall experimental procedure included five sessions conducted every four to seven days. Results: The left transplanted kidney was relatively functional and the PSCs along left kidney meridian entered the abdominal cavity. The right kidney's renal function failed, and the PSCs ended around the groins instead of entering the abdominal cavity. The bilateral spleen functions were intact, and the PSCs along both spleen meridians entered the abdominal cavity. Stimulating kidney and spleen meridians reflected cool and warm sensations, respectively. Conclusions: This study pointed out that the propagated sensations along kidney meridian were based on kidney function, independent from it being transplanted or congenital. PSCs intensity declined as the visceral organ function declined. When failed completely, the propagated sensation along kidney meridian from sole to groins still presented, but absent from groins to abdominal cavity and kidney.
起訖頁 5-14
關鍵詞 經脈感傳足少陰腎經狼瘡性腎炎腎臟移植Propagated sensationsKidney meridianlupus nephritisRenal transplant
刊名 臺灣中醫醫學雜誌  
期數 202109 (19:1期)
出版單位 中華民國中醫師公會全國聯合會
該期刊-下一篇 建構台灣中醫特色居家醫療模式




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