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Value of Fans: Shaping Path of Continuous Interaction in Social Commerce
作者 羅家倫曾筱珽林淑瓊沈岱祥徐郁琇
The promising economic benefits make the operation of enterprises’social commerce increasingly valued by both enterprises and consumers. This study is based on the theory of reasoned action and the use and effect models as theoretical background to explore various value factors that shape the continuous interaction behavior of fans in social commerce, including antecedents and mediation mechanism. This research uses Facebook fan pages as an example. A total of 582 valid samples of fan page users were collected, and the PLS analysis tool and the UGT-TRA model were used to verify the hypothesis. This model is supported by empirical evidence. We further performed cluster analysis and distinguished the research samples into two clusters based on the degree of interaction by pressing like frequency (high vs. low). The results show that in the Facebook fan pages, the value factors drive the fans to continue interaction on the fan pages. Affection value, autonomy value, cognition value, and social value have a significant influence on the positive attitude, subjective norm and continuous interaction intention of fan pages. The affection value is the most important because it has a mediation effect that affects other value factors. This study also divided the subjects into high-interaction and low-interaction groups, respectively assessed the effect of their value factors and confirmed the differences. In addition to establishing a theoretical model of the influence of value factors on continuous interaction, the results also extend previous studies related to social commerce and provides suggestions for fans management on social platforms.
起訖頁 125-169
關鍵詞 社群商務持續互動情感價值價值驅動使用與效果模式Social CommerceContinuous InteractionAffection ValueValue-drivenUse and Effect Model
刊名 中山管理評論  
期數 202202 (30:1期)
出版單位 國立中山大學管理學術研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 朋友的朋友如何影響網路購買意願:兩個Facebook研究
該期刊-下一篇 以SOR理論探討廣告訴求,對直播拍賣下標意圖之影響




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