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Freedom and Self-Definition - On Charles Taylor's Expressivist Interpretation of Hegel
作者 史偉民
Charles Taylor claims that, intending to synthesize Kant's philosophy and expressivism, Hegel grasped the totality of reality as the infinite spirit whose essence is rational self-knowledge. According to Taylor, expressivism has two dimensions: hylomorphism and self-definition. It is argued in this paper that Taylor actually ignores the dimension of self-definition in his interpretation of Hegel. Taylor claims that Hegel holds the totality of reality to be a process of development. Yet he grasps the development as the process of the realization of a form the content of which remains unchanged (the dimension of hylomorphism) but not as the becoming of the content of the form to be realized in the process of development (the dimension of self-definition). This is because Taylor lays emphasis on the idea of the unity of nature and man while appealing to expressivism to expound Hegel's philosophy. Since Hegel does not think that nature changes, Taylor thinks that he takes human nature to be given and unchanged. This paper attempts to expound Hegel's idea of dialectic in terms of a specific relation between genus and species. It is argued that dialectic presents the self-definition of the human spirit, which is for Hegel the freedom of the spirit. Understood in this way, dialectic admittedly cannot present the structure of nature. Yet this paper does not think that there is a unified idea of dialectic underlying Hegel's system and has no intention to suggest an idea of dialectic that would cover the whole of his system.
起訖頁 45-82
關鍵詞 黑格爾泰勒表現自由辯證HegelCharles Taylorexpressionfreedomdialectic
刊名 東吳哲學學報  
期數 202202 (45期)
出版單位 東吳大學
該期刊-上一篇 亞里斯多德論空間之不可變動性
該期刊-下一篇 從兩種自律義看牟宗三的康德學詮釋:內在自律(IA)或外在自律(EA)




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