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Research on Self-Relation Coordination in Couple Counseling
作者 陳秉華 (Ping-Hwa Chen)林美珣李素芬
本研究之目的是以「人我關係協調」諮商理念與架構(Chen, 2005)為基礎,探究諮商中兩性伴侶面對關係衝突時,所出現的衝突議題、衝突互動模式、關係衝突背後的內在自我衝突、及有助於促進情感關係協調的要件以及關係協調的結果。研究資料取自於兩對年約三十歲、面臨關係衝突困擾之未婚兩性伴侶所接受諮商之諮商歷程資料,其中一對伴侶接受六次、另一對伴侶接受五次伴侶諮商,共計十一次之伴侶諮商歷程,全程錄音後謄寫為逐字稿,採用質性研究紮根理論之開放編碼及主軸編碼方法進行資料分析。研究結果發現:1.情感關係衝突主要來自於伴侶間及與原生家庭的關係;2.衝突的情感關係背後有多重性的內在自我衝突;3.伴侶在情感關係衝突中有多樣貌的因應互動模式;4.伴侶諮商中促進情感關係協調的要件,包括自我與對伴侶的覺察了解及伴侶間的協調態度與行為;5.伴侶諮商結束時,出現情感關係衝突協調的正向結果。研究者根據研究結果加以討論,並於文末針對未來研究及進行人我關係協調之伴侶諮商實務提出建議。
Based on the self-relation coordination counseling model proposed by Chen (2005), this study examined the major themes in relational conflict interaction pattern in conflict relation, inner self-conflict embedded in the conflict relationship, components of facilitating self-relation coordination, and the coordination outcome in couple counseling. Two couples in their thirties received counseling. One couple received six sessions and the other couple received five sessions of couple counseling. The 11 counseling sessions were taped and transcribed. Data were analyzed based on grounded theory open coding method. The following core themes were found: 1. couple relational conflicts involved relational and familial related ones; 2. multiple themes of inner conflicts were found in conflicting couple relationships; 3. a variety of interaction coping patterns were found in relational conflicts; 4. components of facilitating the couple relational coordination included self-understanding and understanding of the partner, and the emergence of attitudes and behaviors of coordination; and 5. positive outcomes resulted from couple relational coordination counseling. Research limitations and suggestions for future research and practice of self-relation coordination couple counseling were also discussed.
起訖頁 463-487
關鍵詞 人我關係協調伴侶諮商情感衝突Couple counselingRelational conflictSelf-relation coordination
刊名 教育心理學報  
期數 200903 (40:3期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系
該期刊-上一篇 工作壓力對工作滿足、職業倦怠影響之研究:統合分析取向
該期刊-下一篇 量尺總分加權機制之探討




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