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教育心理學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Perceived Impacts of Media Suicide Reports upon Mental Health among Adolescents: Taking the Suicide of One Actor as an Example
作者 潘玲菁
本研究旨在探討民國94年5月間某個藝人自殺事件,媒體報導後一個月內青少年學生所知覺自殺報導對心理健康及自殺的影響。採問卷調查法,有效樣本為2533位台北市國中一年級到高中(職)三年級學生。研究發現:(1) 有5.6%到26.3%的青少年知覺到媒體自殺報導會造成心理健康的負面影響,包括生命態度較負面,自殺看法扭曲及情緒較憂鬱焦慮。(2) 約有5%到9%的青少年知覺到自殺報導會增加其自殺意念及嘗試。(3) 與知覺到心理健康影響相關的因素包括:目前教育階段為高職、雙親教育程度較低、對名人越喜歡崇拜、新聞暴露量越高、先前自殺意念及嘗試、生活壓力越大、社會支持越差、負面的生命態度與情緒狀態。 (4) 與知覺到自殺意念及嘗試影響相關的因素包括:男性、負面的生命態度、生活壓力越大、先前曾有自殺意念與嘗試者。本研究顯示媒體大量的自殺報導與青少年所主觀知覺到的負面心理健康影響有關,可提供從事教育工作的相關人員,在媒體報導自殺事件時加強對所標認出的自殺高危險群的關注與支持。
We explore the influence of media reports of suicides on the mental health of adolescents, using the suicide of one actor in May 2005 to identify factors that might make participants vulnerable to such reports. We conducted survey research using questionnaires and a cluster sampling method. A total of 2,533 Taipei students from the first year of junior high to the third year of senior high school completed the questionnaire. Results revealed: (1) 5.6% to 26.3% of adolescents rated themselves as negatively influenced by the media suicide reports on three dimensions of mental health, including depressed and anxious mood, suicidal thoughts, and negative attitudes toward life; (2) 5% to 9% of adolescents reported an increase of suicide ideation and attempts resulting from media reports of suicide; (3) multiple regression analyses identified factors relating to such vulnerability. These included attendance at a vocational high school, having less educated parents, the degree of familiarity with this actor, extent of exposure to media suicide reports, having a previous history of suicidal ideation and attempts, greater life stress, less social support, and negative mood status and attitude toward life; (4) logistic regression analyses revealed the factors most related to suicidal ideations or attempts following such reports were: being male, having a negative attitude toward life, greater life stress, and a history of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in the recent year. These results showed that intensive reporting of suicides by the media negatively influenced the mental health of adolescents, increasing suicide ideation and attempts. Educational and counseling professionals need to provide greater emotional support for students in these high-risk groups during periods of media coverage of suicides.
起訖頁 355-376
關鍵詞 心理健康自殺青少年媒體自殺報導AdolescentMedia suicide reportMental healthSuicide
刊名 教育心理學報  
期數 200803 (39:3期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣原住民青少年用藥行為之結構模式:族群認同、人格特質、社會學習、用藥信念等影響因素
該期刊-下一篇 讀書治療在大學通識課程上的應用--自我決定理論觀點




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