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教育心理學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Perceptions of Risk and Protective Factors among High Risk Students in Junior High Schools
作者 林杏足 (Shin-Drew Lin)陳佩鈺陳美儒
本研究的目的旨在探討可能引發或緩衝國中高危險群學生從事危險行為的危險因子與保護因子。研究參與者為中部三所國中的六名男性與四名女性,於研究進行時被學校輔導室或導師評估為高危險群學生者,所有文本資料依據開放性編碼進行資料分析,並從個人、家庭、學校及社會等四個層面,分別呈現危險因子與保護因子的具體內容並進行綜合討論。研究結果發現:1. 個人層面:內外控性格影響個體與環境的互動;生活中的情緒經驗是否被理解與接納將影響危險行為發生的可能性;認知縝密成熟與偏誤思考影響日常行事動機。2. 家庭層面:父母管教態度與方式左右親子關係;家庭背景條件、隸屬需求是否被滿足將影響危險行為發生的可能性;成員互動影響參與危險行為的可能。3. 學校層面:師長管教態度影響學習的動機意願;同儕互動與關係影響迴避或涉入危險行為;課業成就與師生關係影響課室穩定度。4. 社會層面:大眾傳媒同時具有正向宣導與負向引誘的作用;校外社群朋友部分正向楷模,部分觸發危險行為;法律制度面的規範,同時具有警策嚇阻與挑戰逾越的可能。最後根據研究結果,對高危險群學生的諮商輔導工作提出具體建議。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the risk and protective factors that may cause or postpone risk behaviors in high risk students. The participants were 6 male and 4 female junior high school students in central Taiwan who were regarded as high risk students by their counselors or mentors. All data were analyzed with the open coding method. The risk and protective factors were presented and discussed from the aspects of individual, family, school, and society. The following factors were found: (1) The individual aspect: The trait of internal-external control affects the students’interactions with different environments; whether or not one’s daily emotional experiences are understood and accepted has an impact on the occurrences of risk behaviors; the degree of mature thinking and misconceptions influences the motives behind daily behaviors. (2) The family aspect: Attitudes toward parenting affect parents-children relationships; family background and the satisfaction of belonging need affect the occurrences of risk behaviors; the relationship with one’ s own family affects the willingness to participate in the risk behaviors. (3) The school aspect: Attitudes toward teachers’disciplinary methods affect students’motivation in learning; the way of interactions with peers affects the probabilities of risk behaviors; academic achievement and teacher-student relationships affect classroom adjustment. (4) The society aspect: The mass media provides both useful knowledge and negative models; some friends outside schools constitude positive models, but some facilitate risk behaviors; regulations and law are functional in warning youngsters against delinquency. Finally, based on the results of this study, suggestions as to the counseling of high risk students are given.
起訖頁 151-176
關鍵詞 危險因子保護因子高危險群學生High risk studentProtective factorRisk factor
刊名 教育心理學報  
期數 200612 (38:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系
該期刊-上一篇 技術課程教師對大學生學習型態與職業刻板印象的影響:示範有利性的角色
該期刊-下一篇 國小六年級學童自尊、情緒調節與友誼之相關研究




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