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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The Development of a Learning Potential Assessment Package of Inductive Reasoning for Children |
作者 |
江淑卿 |
中文摘要 |
本研究目的在發展「兒童歸納推理學習潛能評估系統」,透過「前測-中介學習-後測」動態評量的程序,以評量與提昇幼稚園與一年級兒童的推理能力。本系統包括分類、系列完成、類比推理等模組,前後測階段實施自編「兒童歸納推理測驗」分測驗,此測驗具有頗佳的內部一致性、重測信度、複本信度、區別效度、效標關聯效度,並建立常模。中介學習階段評估者透過半標準化的介入,以符合規準的社會互動,引導兒童發展認知功能,並編製「認知功能評量表」和「社會互動評量表」,其評分者信度與專家效度合宜。本研究著重在強化動態評量模式的效度研究,以幼稚園與一年級兒童為受試,透過實驗進一步驗證評估模組的建構效度,實驗組各接受一個模組的評估程序,控制組僅實施前後測,各組在前後測皆增加「綜合性非語文智力測驗」分測驗之施測。以三因子混合設計變異數分析驗證教學效度,發現各模組能提昇「兒童歸納推理測驗」的分類、系列完成或類比推理能力,且能提昇「綜合性非語文智力測驗」的歸類、排序或類比能力。以階層迴歸分析驗證預測效度,發現各模組的四個中介學習階段之認知功能,對後測的推理能力皆能增加預測力,且部分的社會互動規準能有效預測後測的推理能力。 |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of this study was to develop a learning potential assessment package in inductive reasoning that may be used to evaluate and promote the reasoning ability of kindergarten and first grade children. The package consisted of the three modules of classification, series completion, and analogical reasoning. The subtests of Inductive Reasoning Test for Children were conducted in pretest and posttest. This test had satisfactory internal consistency, test-retest reliability, alternate-form reliability, discriminant validity, and criterion-related validity. Norms were also developed for this test. In the stage of mediated learning, a semi-standardized intervention was employed to upgrade children’s cognitive functions. During this stage, the Cognitive Function Rating Scales and the Social Interactive Rating Scales were used to assess the learning process. Both scales had acceptable interrater reliability and expert validity. This study focused on estimating the construct validity of the three modules. Subjects were children with the age of six or seven. Each experimental group received one module. The control group had only pretest and posttest. Each group was administered the subtests of CTONI in addition to other tests. A three-way mixed design analysis of variance was used to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching. The results indicated that each module uplifted the reasoning ability of children on the Inductive Reasoning Test for Children and CTONI. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to estimate the predictive validity. The results showed that the cognitive function score in the four mediated learning stages contributed significantly to the prediction of inductive reasoning post-test score. Besides, some of the social interactive criteria were significant predictors of this post-test score. |
起訖頁 |
105-129 |
關鍵詞 |
中介學習、認知功能、動態評量、學習潛能評估、歸納推理、Cognitive function、Dynamic assessment、Inductive reasoning、Learning potential assessment、Mediated learning |
刊名 |
教育心理學報 |
期數 |
200612 (38:2期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
國中生獨處能力與主觀生活壓力、身心健康之關係研究 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
技術課程教師對大學生學習型態與職業刻板印象的影響:示範有利性的角色 |