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“Heterotopia" at the Time of Dynasty Change: Reinterpretation to the Ming and Qing History Written by Chen Qubing
作者 林香伶
"Chen Qubing (1874-1933), a modern representative, was not only committed to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and resist Yuan Shikai, but also a collector, writer, and researcher dedicated to the historical data of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Inspired by the point of view “heterotopia” and “post-loyalist writing,” the study concentrates on Wu Shi Zhi《五石脂》, Biographies of the Ming Loyalists《明遺民錄》, and Chaonan Shihua《巢南詩話》 written by Chen Qubing during the period from Late Qing Dynasty to Early Republic of China. Also, the study attempts to understand Chen Qubing’s feelings for history memory in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, as well as the records of famous literati in Wujiang and Jinling. The following are the questions that this study is trying to find out: 1. What is the form of “Heterotopia” created by Chen Qunbing during the dynasty transition? 2. At this time, his self-image was misplaced in time and space. How did he form his own “heterogeneity space”? 3. Even over 60 years old, why was he still willing to devote himself to the commentary of Ming and Qing characters and the writing of local scenery? In addition, through the dissemination of newspapers and periodicals, the literary works and historical documents collected by Chen Qubing have left us with a large number of historical memories and identities during the Ming and Qing dynasties."
起訖頁 9-59
關鍵詞 陳去病明清之際歷史記憶異托邦《明遺民錄》Chen Qubingfrom Ming to Qinghistorical memoriesheterotopiaBiographies of the Ming Loyalists《明遺民錄》
刊名 東亞觀念史集刊  
期數 202109 (19期)
出版單位 東亞觀念史集刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 「歷史記憶與概念傳播」專題引言
該期刊-下一篇 形塑經典:近現代「四大奇書」概念的傳播




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