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"The Aesthetic Form, Boundary Imagination and Writers Experience of Taiwan Anti-Communism Literature"
作者 黃美娥
"The appearance of anti-communism literature is an important part of Taiwanese literature phylogeny. However, when it came to aesthetic, it was considered highly unitary and negative. As a result, the discourse of Taiwan’s anti-communism literature repeated itself for a long time. But like it or not, the fact of its long-time existence (form 1950 to 1980) and influence of anti-communism literature cannot be erased. This paper tries to bring up a new research method, by considering “anti-communism literature” as an important “aesthetic form” in post-war Taiwan. The following questions will be discussed in this paper: What was the literary environment when anti-communism literature appeared? What is its relationship with early post-war literary trends? Was there any succession, breaking or grafting? How did the official and the folk to intervene this new aesthetic writing form with highly demonstrating political traits? What was the reactions of writers? How did this aesthetic form, its literary theory and methods be concerned, discussed, learned and understood by writers when it became the mainstream of that time? In short, what was the epistemology behind? Also, did it have any other aesthetic features beyond being political? How do we understand the dialectic relationship between literature and politics? What is the subject, and what is the object? These questions will lead to a complex dialectical relations among state institution, literary policy, and educational production, discourse of knowledge, literary ontology, author, and their strategies."
起訖頁 199-261
關鍵詞 臺灣文學反共文學範式研究邊界想像作家經驗Taiwanese literatureanti-communism literaturestandard form researchboundary imaginationwriters experience
刊名 東亞觀念史集刊  
期數 201806 (14期)
出版單位 東亞觀念史集刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 從觀念的軌跡探究知識分子角色於國家領域內外之游移:以臺灣外省籍知識分子為例
該期刊-下一篇 〈大學〉「絜矩之道」重探:以荀子、戴震的情理論述為中心




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