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Development of feather liquid fertilizer and its application for culturing Pak-choi plants
作者 林庭緯蕭嘉祐林秋琍黃振文 (Jenn-Wen Haung)
"西元2012與2013年,台灣廢棄的羽毛分別高達27,003與27,804公噸,若不妥善處理會有汙染環境之虞。羽毛富含豐富的氮素,其成分係由結構穩定的角蛋白組成,動植物不易直接利用。因此,本研究的主要目的在於篩選與鑑定具有分解羽毛能力的微生物,進而利用分解後的羽毛液搭配無機鹽類,研製可促進白菜生育的羽毛液肥。首先從台南地區的廢棄雞毛中分離出具有分解羽毛能力的細菌共27菌株,其中PDML-0417菌株分解羽毛的能力最佳,分解率可達42%以上,此外有10株的分解率介於26-35%,其餘分離株的分解率則皆小於25%。進一步,利用16S rDNA序列比對法,將PDML-0417菌株(GenBank:MK987106)鑑定為Deinococcus ficus Lai et al.。在不同緩衝溶液之1%(w/v)羽毛培養基培養D. ficus PDML-0417後,發現羽毛培養基添加0.1%磷酸鉀緩衝劑(代號FP)可使羽毛分解率顯著提高至80%。將FP培養基作為基礎配方,加入單一或不同組合的無機鹽類培養D. ficus PDML-0417,結果發現皆無法進一步有效提高羽毛分解率。將PDML-0417羽毛發酵液添加1%(w/v)磷酸氫二鉀與1%(w/v)硫酸鈣製成羽毛液肥(feather liquid fertilizer, FLF)後,稀釋成不同倍率溶液,分別處理白菜種子,結果顯示,鳳山白菜種子處理1000倍稀釋液後,其根長較對照組增長84.1%。此外將稀釋液處理白菜幼苗,每週澆灌一次,於第三週取樣秤取鮮種,發現處理100倍稀釋液之白菜植株,其鮮種較對照組增加達30%以上,且其葉比較對照未處理者肥厚且健壯。"
"In Taiwan, the production of poultry feather waste was 27,003 and 27,804 tons in 2012 and 2013, respectively. Improper disposal of feather waste could cause serious problems to the environment. Even though feathers are rich in nitrogen, plants and animals cannot absorb and utilize them efficiently because of a high keratin content. The main purpose of this study was to isolate and identify bacteria, which could effectively degrade feathers and to formulate a feather liquid fertilizer with inorganic elements which could be used to enhance the growth of Pak-choi plants. Twenty-seven strains of feather-degrading bacteria were collected from feather wastes. Among them, strain PDML-0417 showed the ability to degrade feathers as high as 42 %. Ten strains displayed degradation efficiencies between 2635 %, and the others had less than 25 % degradation rates. PDML0417 (GenBank:MK987106) was identified as Deinococcus ficus Lai et al., based on partial 16s rDNA sequence similarity. The ability of PDML-0417 to degrade feather waste was evaluated after mixing with different buffers. The results indicated that PDML0417 cultured in 1% (w/v) feather medium amended with 0.1% (w/v) potassium phosphate buffer (designated FP medium) enhanced the rates of feather degradation from 42% to 80%. The addition of different inorganics either individually or in various combinations in FP medium failed to improve the rates of feather degradation. PDML-0417 cultured in FP medium amended with 1%(w/v) K2HPO4 and 1%(w/v)CaSO4 (feather liquid fertilizer, FLF) after being applied to Pak-choi seeds at different ratios increased the root length of Pak-choi seedlings. Root length was increased by 84.1% at 1000 fold dilution compared to the control. The fresh weight of Pakchoi seedlings drenched with FLF at 100-fold dilution once a week for three weeks increased by more than 30% and had overall healthy leaves in relation to those of mock controls."
起訖頁 1-10
關鍵詞 Deinococcus ficus羽毛廢棄物羽毛分解菌磷酸氫二鉀硫酸鈣feather wastesfeather-degrading bacteriaK2HPO4CaSO4
刊名 植物醫學  
期數 201909 (61:2、3期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-下一篇 殺蟎劑對木瓜上二點葉蟎(真蟎目:葉蟎科)之藥效試驗




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