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Effect of cinnamon oil emulsion on control of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita on tomato in field trials
作者 顏志恒許晴情謝廷芳
"為評估肉桂油乳劑於田間防治番茄南方根瘤線蟲(Meloidogyne incognita)的效果,於雲林縣斗六地區選定三個番茄田區,於2015年9月至2016年6月期間進行試驗。本試驗為單因子試驗,採逢機完全區集設計(Randomized complete block design, RCBD),共設置供試藥劑肉桂油乳劑稀釋1,500、3,000及5,000倍、參考藥劑歐殺滅稀釋200倍及對照不施藥(澆灌清水)等5處理,每處理5重複。於番茄定植後1個月開始施藥,每隔14天施用一次,連續5次,定植後約每個月調查每小區每100公克土壤中根瘤線蟲二齡幼蟲的數量及根瘤指數,並換算成罹病度(Disease severity)。由三個田區之田間試驗結果顯示,三種不同稀釋濃度之肉桂油乳劑在降低番茄根圈土壤中之根瘤線蟲二齡幼蟲蟲口數上,優於參考藥劑歐殺滅與未施藥對照組;而在降低罹病度上,肉桂油乳劑除稀釋5,000倍與參考藥劑之效果相當之外,其餘均優於參考藥劑與未施藥對照組。據此,推薦肉桂油乳劑稀釋5,000倍可用於防治番茄根瘤線蟲的發生。"
"Three tomato cultivation fields located in Douliou city, Yunlin County were selected to evaluate the effect of cinnamon oil emulsion (36% cinnamaldehyde) on the control of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, in the field from September 2015 to June 2016. The experiment was a single-factor test with a randomized complete block design (RCBD) setting. It includes 5 treatments and each treatment has 5 repeats: test reagent cinnamon oil emulsion with 1,500-, 3,000- and 5,000-fold dilutions, the reference-nematicide (oxamyl for 200-fold dilution) and control (water). The experiment used 1-month-old tomato seedlings, treated once every 14 days, for 5 consecutive times. The number of second-stage juvenile (J2) per 100 g soil and disease severity conducted from root-knot index of each treatment were counted. The results of reducing J2 number/100 g soil showed that the cinnamon oil emulsion of three different dilution concentrations was better than that of the nematicide treatment and the untreated control. In additional, cinnamon oil emulsion with 5,000-fold dilution had the same effect of oxamyl nematicide and other two concentrations of cinnamon oil emulsion also showed better effect of reducing disease severity than that of the reference agent and control. Accordingly, it is recommended that cinnamon oil emulsion with 5,000-fold dilution can be used as a natural plant protectant to control tomato root-knot nematodes."
起訖頁 5-11
關鍵詞 肉桂油乳劑防治南方根瘤線蟲cinnamon oil emulsioncontrolroot-knot nematodeMeloidogyne incognita
刊名 植物醫學  
期數 201712 (59:4期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 台灣之檳榔疫病
該期刊-下一篇 台灣草莓萎凋病菌之生理生化特性分析




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