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剋安勃(Chlorantraniliprole)對斜紋夜蛾(Spodoptera litura)發育和生殖的影響
Effect of Chlorantraniliprole on development and reproduction of Spodoptera litura
作者 陳明昭楊永裕李太瑀
剋安勃(Chlorantraniliprole)是一種二醯胺類的新型藥劑,其與魚尼丁受器結合後影響昆蟲肌肉收縮功能,導致害蟲無法取食而死亡。本研究探討新型殺蟲劑對斜紋夜蛾(Spodoptera litura Fabricius)在發育與生殖的影響。供試蟲源分別採自屏科大校園和彰化二水兩地區,以浸葉法對斜紋夜蛾三齡幼蟲進行毒性試驗與亞致死效應分析。試驗結果顯示,彰化二水之斜紋夜蛾的半數致死濃度(LC50 = 6.65 ppm)高於屏科大之斜紋夜蛾(LC50 = 4.85 ppm),意即後者對剋安勃的感受性較高。接著以兩個亞致死(sublethal)濃度(0.1和1 ppm)處理斜紋夜蛾三齡幼蟲,結果發現施用的剋安勃濃度越高時,兩品系之斜紋夜蛾三齡幼蟲到蛹的發育日數皆顯著地延長;此外,兩品系之三齡幼蟲在處理剋安勃後第一天其體重皆隨著藥劑濃度的升高而顯著降低,然而此效應在處理剋安勃後第10天有減弱的趨勢。在產卵量方面,兩品系在處理剋安勃後都有顯著下降,表示剋安勃可抑制斜紋夜蛾的繁殖。根據上述結果顯示,剋安勃的亞致死濃度對斜紋夜蛾的族群增長有抑制作用。
"Chlorantraniliprole is one kind of Diamide insecticides, which can bind to with Ryanodine receptor. It mainly affects the insect muscle contractions, stops eating and results in death. In this study, two populations of Spodoptera litura (NPUST strain and Erhshui strain) were used to evaluate the non-lethal effect of chlorantraniliprole. The toxicity analysis data showed populations of Erhshui's LC50 (6.65ppm) is higher than populations of NPUST campus' 4.85 ppm, which means that populations of NPUST campus are more susceptible than populations of Erhshui. The sublethal concentrations (0.1 ppm and 1 ppm) were used to study the effects of chlorantraniliprole on the development and reproduction of Spodoptera litura. The results showed that the chlorantraniliprole at the 0.1 ppm and 1 ppm significantly prolonged the development duration of third instar larvae and pupa of S. litura, reduced the pupal weight, the emergence rate, and eggs laid per female when compared with the control. After treatment, the weights of third instar larvae in two populations are reduced follow by higher concentrations. Despite the effects of toxicity, the effects are reducing at 10 days after treatment. These results indicated that the chlorantraniliprole at sublethal concentrations had a negative effect on population growth for S. litura. "
起訖頁 133-138
關鍵詞 剋安勃斜紋夜蛾亞致死效應發育生殖ChlorantraniliproleSpodoptera lituraSublethal Effectsdevelopmentreproduction
刊名 植物醫學  
期數 201609 (58:3、4期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 九重葛黃化葉脈鑲帶病毒全長度基因序列之分析
該期刊-下一篇 建立具鑑別WSMoV及IYSV血清群之簡併引子對組與特異性電泳圖譜




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