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菜豆普通嵌紋病毒(BCMV)與胡瓜嵌紋病毒(CMV)的萊豆(Phaseolus limensis)分離株之鑑定與發生
Occurrence and Identification of Bean Common Mosaic Virus and Cucumber Mosaic Virus Isolated from Lima Bean (Phaseolus limensis)
作者 鄧汀欽蔡錦慧蔡惠玲黃文慶宋妤
萊豆(Lima bean)一般俗稱皇帝豆,藥用時稱為觀音豆,台灣以蔓性白仁大粒種(Phaseolus limensis Macf.)為主要栽培品種。萊豆係自交作物,農民習慣自行留種,因此有種子帶病毒情形發生。台灣萊豆產期在1-3月,秋冬時期與多種豆類作物同時生長,易導致豆類的病蟲害相互傳染,尤以萊豆植株生長勢強而枝葉密集,病蟲藏匿其中,作物健康管理無法徹底執行。
"Two virus isolates, BCMV-c9 and CMV-Lima, were isolated from diseased lima bean plants (Phaseolus limensis Macf.) cultivated in Taichung and Tainan. After local-lesion isolation on Chenopodium quinoa, BCMV-c9 was identified as a Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) by ELISA and CMV-Lima was a Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) tested by SDSimmunodiffusion. For further identification, potyvirus specific primer (Pot1/HRP5) and cucumovirus specific primer (CPTALL-3/CPTALL-5) were adopted for reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). By nucleotide sequence alignment, the CP gene of BCMV-c9 was 89.2% identical to that of Accession number U34972, a BCMV-PSt strain. Phylogenetic analysis also showed that BCMV-c9 was closer to BCMV-PSt strains than to BCMV-BlCM strains. CMV-Lima shared more than 95% of identities with CMV isolates Tfn and NT9 which belong to IB subgroup, 93-94% with isolates Fny and Y which belong to IA subgroup, and only 77-78% with isolates Q and LS which belong to IA subgroup. Consequently, BCMV-c9 is identified as a BCMV-PSt strain and CMV-Lima is a CMV strain that belongs to subgroup IB. From the field survey showed that BCMV was widespread in lima bean cultivated areas, and CMV was occasionally occurred."
起訖頁 105-116
關鍵詞 BCMV-BlCMBCMV-PStstrainsubgroupphylogenetic analysisTaiwan
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 201312 (55:4期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-下一篇 用快速分子診斷技術鑑定台灣三種白輪盾介殼蟲(Aulacaspis spp.)(半翅目:介殼蟲總科:盾介殼蟲科)




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