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益達胺(Imidacloprid)對豌豆蚜(Acyrthosiphon pisum)之亞致死效應的研究
Research for Sublethal Effect of Imidacloprid on Pea Aphid Acrythosiphon pisum
作者 陳明昭洪荔湄楊永裕
亞致死效應(Sublethal effect)是指施用低濃度的農藥後,除了對害蟲有直接殺死的作用外,由於個體接觸藥量的差異以及田間藥效隨著時間的改變,對於部分存活下來的個體造成間接的影響,例如生殖力、發育時間、行為等生物學特性的改變。研究亞致死效應的重要性在於減少農藥的使用量,進而降低農藥殘留,同時避免害蟲抗藥性的發生,因此對於農藥合理使用具有重要指導意義。
"Use of insecticides not only directly kill pest insects through acute toxicity, but also has sublethal effects on pest behavior or physiology. Therefore, understanding the sublethal effect of insecticides is important for rational application of insecticides. The effects of imidacloprid on development, reproduction, longevity, and wing formation of pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum were analyzed in this study. Firstly, the toxicity of imidacloprid against A. pisum was tested to evaluate LC50 and three sublethal concentrations (LC15, LC30, LC40). When pea aphids were exposed to leaves dipped in four concentrations of imidacloprid, we did not find effects on fecundity of P and F1 adults. In addition, only exposure to imidacloprid at LC50 significantly shortens the developmental time of F1 nymphs. LC50 could induce more alate aphids than that of control in the P generation. In order to compare the response of alate and apterous aphids to imidacloprid, we analyze the sublethal effect of LC50 on developmental time, longevity and fecundity of offspring in these two types aphid. The results showed the developmental time of the F1 nymph of apterous aphids were significantly longer than that of alate aphids. On the other hand, LC50 application resulted in markedly lower average fecundity of F1 in apterous female compared with alate female, but there were no differences in the longevity of F1 adult between alate and apterous aphids."
起訖頁 103-112
關鍵詞 亞致死效應豌豆蚜益達胺sublethal effectpea aphidimidacloprid
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 201212 (54:4期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 東方果實蠅(Bactrocera dorsalis)卵為小十三星瓢蟲(Harmonia dimidiata)食物之合適性




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