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The Biology and Epidemiology of Whitefly-borne Criniviruses
作者 李如婷陳宗祺黃莉欣
"Crinivirus屬為RNA植物病毒,隸屬於Closteroviridae科,全世界已記錄種類有14種,常造成植株葉肉組織褪綠、黃化,最終呈現自化及脆化,而葉脈則呈綠色,經常會被誤認為生理失調所致。Crinivirus屬病毒是由粉蝨以半持續性方式傳播,保毒時間約數日至數週'與其獲毒取食時間長題有關。已知媒介粉蝨有溫室粉蝨(Trialeurodes vaporariorum)、帶翅粉蝨(T. abutilonea)及煙草粉蝨(Bemisia tabaci)之A、B、Q等三型生物小種(biotypes)。國內已報導之Crinivirus屬病毒種類有番茄感染性褪綠病毒(Tomato infectious chlorosis virus, TICV)、番茄褪綠病毒(Tomato chlorosis virus, ToCV)及瓜類褪綠黃化病毒(Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus, CCYV)等三種,其中以煙草粉蝨biotype B(亦即銀葉粉蝨Bemisia argentifolli)所傳播之CCYV發生最為嚴重,CCYV 2009年首見於臺灣,2010年造成洋香瓜、甜瓜、胡瓜等葫蘆科作物之經濟產值嚴重的損失。"
"Crinivirus is one of the genera of the plant RNA virus family Closteroviridae. To date, fourteen formal and tentative Crinivirus species have been identified worldwide. Plants infected by criniviruses usually exhibit symptoms of chlorosis, yellows, bleaching accompanied with green veins and brittleness on the lower leaves. The crinivirus-induced phenotypical symptom is often misdiagnosed as physiological disorders. Criniviruses are transmitted by whiteflies in a semipersistent manner in which viruses can be retained by whiteflies for a few days to a couple of weeks depending on the acquisition feeding period. The whitefly species, including Trialeurodes vaporariorum, T. abutilonea, and three Bemisia tabaci biotypes namely A (sweet potato whitefly), B (also known as silverleaf whitefly B. argentifolli) and Q, were indentified as vectors of criniviruses. Three criniviruses, i.e., Tomato infectious chlorosis virus (TICV), Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV) and Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus (CCYV) have been reported in Taiwan. Among these, CCYV first discovered in 2009 is the most severe one. It caused significant yield losses in cantaloupe, melon and cucumber production in 2010 via the transmission by B. tabaci biotype B."
起訖頁 93-111
關鍵詞 Crinivirus粉聶蟲媒煙草粉聶溫室粉聶帶翅粉聶生物小種Criniviruswhitefly vectorBemisia tabaciTrialeurodes vaporariorumT. abutiloneabiotype
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 201112 (53:4期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-下一篇 三十九種中藥材萃取液對葉芽線蟲及根瘤線蟲的影響




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