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Did European Red Mite and Hawthorn Spider Mite Disperse Out of Lishan Area?
作者 何琦琛王順成梁世祥張淑貞 (Shu-Chen Chang)鄭莉蓉盧慧真陳子偉葛文俊
歐洲葉螨(Panonychus ulmi Koch)和山楂葉螨(Amphitetranychus viennensis(Zacher))均為外來種類,分別於1979和1978年發現於台灣。它們入侵台灣後,除梨山地區極少的一點資料,並無它們在台灣分布的資訊。筆者於2006-2009年間調查此二種葉螨在台灣之分布,歐洲葉螨主要存在於梨山地區之蘋果園中,其海拔高度在2100 m以上。雖曾在巴陵、上谷關及日月潭採到歐洲葉螨之個體,但該並未建立當地族群。此可能並未散播至此3地,所採到之個體可能源自於進口蘋果上的越冬卵,彼為進口蘋果上常可發現者。山楂葉螨已自梨山向北分布至武陵農場、向西分布至上谷關。
"The European red mite, Panonychus ulm Koch, and hawthorn spider mite, Amphitetranychus viennensis (Zacher), are two exotic species first found from Taiwan in 1979 and 1978, respectively. There was no information on their distribution in Taiwan, except a few collection data in Lishan area. A survey on the distribution of these two mites in Taiwan was conducted during the period of 2006-2009. Panonychus ulmi exists mainly in apple orchards in Lishan area at the altitudes of over 2100m. Although individuals of P. ulmi were collected from Baling, Shangguguang and Sun Moon Lake, they did not establish population in these three places. These individuals might not have been distributed to there by natural habitat-spreading, and might originate from the overwinter eggs of P. ulmi hidden in the imported apples which were frequently intercepted in quarantine. Amphitetranychus viennensis has dispersed from Lishan northward to Wuling farm and westward to Shangguguang."
起訖頁 19-28
關鍵詞 葉螨分布外來種類spider mitedistributionexotic species
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 201103 (53:1期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 四季海棠為矮南瓜黃化嵌紋病毒新寄主之研究




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