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"Character evaluation on the larva crochet number of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae)"
作者 王心浩楊正澤 (Jeng-Tze Yang)
蘋果蠹蛾,Cydia pomonella(Linnaeus)是重要的進口核果類檢疫害蟲,由於幼蟲期蛀食蘋果,因此在檢疫上幼蟲鑑定較成蟲重要。本研究由動植物防疫檢疫局查獲及法國植物保護局提供共16隻的蘋果蠶蛾幼蟲為材料,利用原足特性及原足鉤數之變異係數來評估此特徵的穩定性。結果顯示蘋果蠹蛾幼蟲的原足特徵為單列、單序、環狀排列,原足鉤的數目範圍為25-38個,眾數為29個,CV值為7.87%,判定為一穩定的分類特徵。單一個體原足間或不同個體的同位原足間之原足鉤數變異係數,雖有些微差異,但均小於10%。同一個體而言,右側較左側之原足鉤數目穩定,以各對同位原足而言,則以第三對右側原足鉤數目最穩定,CV值為64.5%。本研究也以相同的方法分析6隻梨小食心蟲C. molesta(Busck)的原足鉤數目,結果顯示,原足鉤數目變異範圍為33 - 40個,眾數為35個。由同位原足來看,以第二對右側原足鉤數目最穩定,CV值為3.54%。比較蘋果蠹蛾與梨小食心蟲原足鉤數之變異,可發現蘋果蠹蛾的原足鉤數通常小於梨小食心蟲。本研究另以象限作為區分位置的依據,描述C. pomonella硬皮板斑紋,歸納結果各群斑紋之形式供形態描述。
"The codling moth, Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) is an important quarantine pest to the imported stone fruits such as apples. The crochet number ranged from 25 to 38 among totally 88 pro legs of 11 individuals, and the mode number of crochet in Cydia potnonella is 29. We counted the number of crochets and analyzed the consistency of the character by the covariance analysis. The result showed that the crochet number is a kind of good character for identification. The CV of crochet number is 7.87%, and the crochet number CV variation is 10% below which counted up the crochet number from the prolegs in single individual and the same isoposition prolegs among individuals. The most stable character of crochet number is at right one of 3^(rd) pair of prolegs, its CV is 6.45%. We also calculated the crochet number of another species Cydia tnolesta, based on totally 6 individuals and found it is the good character too. The crochet number among 46 prolegs of 6 individuals various from 33 to 40, and the mode of crochet number of 10 prolegs is 35.The result showed that the proleg crochet is also kind of good character to C. molesta in the CV of 6.02%. The most stable character of crochet is the number at right one of 2^(rd), pair. The CV value is 3.54%. In terms of the crochet number variation between two species , C.pomonella is more constant than C. molesta. In addition, we described the markings of pronotal shield and distinguished them by located and named the area for markings."
起訖頁 83-94
關鍵詞 蘋果蠹蛾梨小食心蟲原足鉤分類特徵評估Cydia potnonella (Linnaeus)Cydia molesta (Busck)crochettaxonomic characterevaluation
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200912 (51:3、4期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 六種重金屬之浮萍毒性試驗
該期刊-下一篇 台灣山藥根瘤及乾腐病之病原線蟲鑑定與防治




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