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青蔥疫病(Phytophthora parasitica Dastur)
Stem blight or wilt of Allium fistulosum (Phytophthora parasitica Dastur)
作者 高清文李昱輝楊森源蔡勇勝
青蔥(Allium fishulosum)原產中國西北部及西伯利亞貝加爾湖一帶,為華人重要的香辛蔬菜之一。早期由大陸移民傳入台灣,各縣市普遍皆有栽培,目前栽培面積近5000ha。此作物在生長過程長病害有銹病(Puccinia allii)、紫斑病(Alternaria porri)、蔥軟腐病(Erwinia chrysanthemi)、蔥小粒菌核病(Ciborinia allii)、蔥根瘤線蟲(Meloidogyne incognita; M. javanica)。
"In Han Country Samsung Township, Nantou Country Tsaotun Township, Changhua Country Fangyuan Township and sihufa Town, there are a lot of Allium fistulosum dieing continually in these cultivate area. This is more serious in May and August and the winter with more rain. Phytophthora parasitica Dastur was isolated and inoculations were made with Zoospore suspension and mycelium block on Dahan, Small Han, Black leaf, hyphal of North onions root, and stem individually, it will be sick on the eighth day. The P. parasitica from the diseased plant can grow at 24-28°C, the colony culture in V-8 agar medium does not have special patterns, with aerial hyphae; the colony culture in PDA medium has rose petal-like pattern, there are 1-3 pyriform sporangia on the top of each sporangiphore, with papilate and non-deciduous. The sporangia release zoospore then it will inter- or nested proliferate, the sporangia size is 26.7-43.4×23.4-33.4μm, the mean is 27.6×34.6μm. The sporangia length/width (LIB) is 1.25μm, the papilate size is 3.3-10×3.3-10μm, the mean is 6.5×6.6μm, the papilate length/width (LIB) is 0.98μm. Chlamydospores and coralloid hyphal swellings, the chlamydospores size is 10.0-26.7μm, the mean is 18.6μm. The greenhouse inoculation prove P. parasitica with pathogenic to green onions variety, but different variety with different disease degree. The field survey of Small Han "' Black leaf diseases rate, after growing for 1 week are 8.1% and 2.5%, but in the 3 weeks the diseases rate are 67.8% and 8.1%. It means Black leafs resistance is stronger; it is be able to plant in the epidemic disease areas. Small Han is very susceptible, it only be able to plant in the unepidemic disease areas."
起訖頁 101-106
關鍵詞 青蔥疫病Phytophthora parasitica DasturAllium fistulosumPhytophthora parasitica Dastur
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200812 (50:3、4期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣地區農田土壤有機氯農藥殘留境況及變遷
該期刊-下一篇 粗肋草細菌性軟腐病的化學及生物防治之初步探討




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