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堆肥及肥料對埃及的玉米根腐線蟲(Pratylenchus zeae)族群、土壤真菌及茉莉花產量之影響
"Effect of composts and a fertilizer on the population of Pratylenchus zeae, soil fungi and jasmine yield quality in Egypt"
作者 A. E. Ismail (A. E. Ismail)W. M. A. El-Nagdi (W. M. A. El-Nagdi)H. Abd El-Khair (H. Abd El-Khair)
"本研究以尼羅河堆肥(Nile compost, NC)、El-Kattamyia堆肥(KC)、Al-Obour堆肥(OC)、El-Ahram堆肥(AC)、Ramsies堆肥(RC)、尼羅河肥料(NF)及橄欖渣堆肥(Olive pomace, OP)等有機質之低濃度、推薦濃度與高濃度等三種劑量做為土壤添加物,防治茉莉田裡之玉米根腐線蟲(Pratylenchus zeae),並了解這些添加物對土壤中及根圈附近之腐生與寄生真菌族群的影響。各種處理對線蟲族群之影響具有統計上之差異性意義。低劑量之KC (3 kg/tree)與OP (0.5 kg/tree)、高劑量之RC (12 kg/tree)與OP (1.5 kg/tree)、推薦劑量之RC (8 kg/tree)對降低土壤及根部根腐線蟲族群之效果最好。同時所有處理均可增加花朵產量、百朵花重、花朵香精凝結回收百分比、與20℃時之折射指標(refractive index)、15℃時之特別比重(specific gravity)、酯類數量等香精油特徵。添加有機質處理者,可增加土壤中之Penicillium spp.、Aspergillus niger、A. ochraceus、Rhizopus nigricans、Botrytis spp.及Trichoderma spp.等族群。一般而言,各處理劑量多寡與降低土壤中線蟲族群呈現正相關,同時增加上述所提之茉莉香水產量與化學分析參數。"
"Under open jasmine field conditions, some organic treatments manufactured of different substances viz., Nile compost(NC), El-Kattamyia compost(KC), Al-Obour compost(OC), El-Ahram compost(AC), Ramsies compost(RC), Nile fertile(NF)and Olive pomace(OP)were used as soil amendments at three doses(lower level, recommended level and higher level)for controlling the root lesion nematode, Pratylenchus zeae. Their effects on frequency of occurrence of saprophytic or pathogenic fungi either in the soil or in roots were also studied. Statistical differences in the nematode populations were found within and between treatments. On the basis of percentage efficacy of such treatments in reducing P. zeae populations in both soil and roots, the lower rate(3 kg/tree)of KC and OP(0.5 kg/tree), the higher rate of RC(12 kg/tree), and OP(1.5 kg/tree), and the recommended rate of RC(8 kg/tree)was superior in one experimental period. Also, all the tested organic amendments caused increases in flower yield, weight of 100 flowers, concrete recovery of flowers %, some oil characters i.e. refractive index at 20 °C, specific gravity at 15 °C, acid and ester numbers as compared with untreated trees. Penicillium spp., Aspergillus niger, A. ochraceus, Rhizopus nigricans, Botrytis spp. and Trichoderma spp. increased in soil amended with the tested organic composts during the experimental period. Generally, there were positive correlations between doses of all treatments and reduction in the nematode populations and increases in the jasmine yield, and chemical analysis parameters."
起訖頁 137-151
關鍵詞 茉莉花有機質根腐線蟲Pratylenchus zeae真菌族群jasmineorganic substancesroot nematodePratylenchus zeaefungipopulation
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200706 (49:2期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 台灣南部數種保健植物害蟲相調查
該期刊-下一篇 快得寧水分散性粒劑對天竺鼠皮膚過敏反應之評估




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