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果實網袋包對東方果實蠅Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)(雙翅目:果實蠅科)之誘殺效果
"Effectiveness of fruit net-bag in trapping the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae)"
作者 何坤耀洪士程李後晶許洞慶朱耀沂
東方果實蠅Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)為目前台灣最主要之經濟果樹害蟲,經由測試結果得知,利用番石榴等果實網袋包確實可誘殺大量的雌、雄成蟲而達到降低被害率之防治目的。根據網室內測試得之有效誘殺範圍數據可知,每距離20 m設置一包,每7-10天換新一次,將可能捕獲園區97%以上的雌、雄蟲,其誘殺效果遠較蛋白質水解物為佳且穩定。由此結果可知,番石榴網袋包確可在番石榴園之綜合防治上擔任誘殺雌蟲之角色。在較獨立之斗六番石榴園區裡懸掛番石榴網袋包後,可更明顯的降低蟲源密度及19-57%之果實被害率。另外,在人心果、楊桃、柑桔、柿子及絲瓜等其他園區的測試,果實網袋包亦頗有應用之潛力。
"The Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), is the major pest of many economic fruit crops in Taiwan. A large number of female and male flies were trapped by using fruit net-bags with sticky paper (guava-sticky-bag) and thus significantly reduced the percentage of infested fruits by 19~57% in the guava orchard. Screen-house tests showed that putting a bag at 20 m apart and replenishing the fruit bait every 7~10 days, could capture more than 97% of female and male files in the orchard and was more effective than using the protein hydrolysate bait. The experiments showed that the method was effective when used in the guava orchard. The method was also effective in reducing the fruit fly population in other orchards such as sapodilla, carambola, citrus, persimmon and loofah."
起訖頁 93-100
關鍵詞 番石榴粘板網袋包東方果實蠅guavasticky boardnet-bagBactrocera dorsalis
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200606 (48:2期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 花蓮地區台灣三月始灰象鼻蟲密度調查與防治
該期刊-下一篇 應用單一步驟巢式複合式聚合酶鏈鎖反應同步鑑定刺足根蟎、羅賓根蟎及長毛根蟎




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