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番茄夜蛾(Helicoverpa armigera)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)對不同生長期及已被產卵之番茄植株之產卵反應
Ovipositional responses of the tomato fruitworm (Helicoverpa armigera) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to the presence of eggs and to different stages of the tomato plant
作者 Aliou Diongue (Aliou Diongue)Narayan Sarjerao Talekar (Narayan Sarjerao Talekar)張灜福賴博永
"Various aspects of oviposition of the tomato fruitworm(TFW), Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner), on tomato plants were studied in the laboratory and a greenhouse. The objectives of the study were to determine the preference of the TFW for various phenological stages of the host plant for egg laying, and the influence of the presence of prior oviposited eggs on fresh egg laying, as well as to confirm whether the TFW marks its eggs or oviposition substratum while ovipositing on tomato plants. TFW females preferred to lay eggs on tomato plants in the flowering stage rather than the vegetative stage. Removal of flowers from flowering plants or placing fresh tomato flowers on plants in the vegetative growth stage did not change oviposition behavior. The physiological status of plants in the flowering stage, rather than the mere physical presence of flowers, appeared to attract TFW adults for oviposition. TFW females avoided egg laying or laid fewer eggs on plants which had previously been used for oviposition compared to plants with no previously eggs laid. Neither the presence of manually placed live or dead eggs, nor the removal of naturally laid eggs from tomato plants changed the oviposition behavior of the TFW. The presence of damage to fruit inflicted by the TFW reduced the subsequent number of eggs laid on such plants compared to plants with no damage to the fruit. Ovipositing females did not seem to mark their eggs or host plants with their body scales while laying eggs, as the presence of TFW adult body scales on tomato plants did not affect oviposition behavior."
起訖頁 303-314
關鍵詞 番茄夜蛾產卵行為害果產卵標記番茄Helicoverpa armigeraoviposition behaviordamaged fruitsoviposition markerstomato
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200412 (46:4期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-下一篇 水稻白背飛蝨之族群變動及發生預測




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