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Energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis of particulates from different polluting sources and leaf surface depositons
作者 徐慈鴻李貽華陳佩伶蔣慕琰
本研究以光學顯微鏡、掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察工廠煙道、交通廢氣、土壤顆粒及植物表面粒狀物之形態,並以能量分散型X光微量分析儀(Energy-dispersive X-ray microanalyzer,簡稱EDX)進行成分分析,建立臺灣地區主要粒狀污染物形態成分資料,並觀察工廠周圍植物葉表粒狀物,比較粒狀污染物與污染源之相關性,以作為公害污染鑑定之參考。大多數工廠煙道樣品以因高溫產生的黑煙類及不規則屑塊比例較高,其元素成分以碳(C)、矽(Si)元素為主,另包含硫(S)、鋁(Al)及鈣(Ca)等元素;汽、機車排放之粒狀物,主成分亦以C元素為主,形態則屬於棉團狀之屑塊。鋼鐵、機械廠之煙道樣品所含有的物形態種類最多,出現比例較高的金屬礫塊是此類工廠煙道樣品特有的粒狀物,金屬礫塊多為含鐵之金屬氧化物,成分分析顯示含有高量的鐵(Fe)、氧(O)等元素。彩色團粒在化學、焚化廠及鋼鐵廠可發現,主要元素成分為C、S,另還有釩(V)、鈦(Ti)等元素。營建業、石油煉製廠及土壤顆粒狀以粉末晶塊狀為主,營建業及土壤顆粒成分主要包括Si、Al、O等元素,而石油煉製廠以S元素為主。就形態及元素成分而言,黑煙類及不規則屑塊不易分辨其來源,其餘不同性質之粒狀物則與鄰近工廠污染源有關,可利用EDX進行元素成分的比對分析,水泥廠周邊植物表面之粒狀物以Ca為主要元素之一,石化工業區周邊植物葉之粒狀物成分以C、O元素為主,電鍍及鋼鐵工廠周邊植物葉表皆有金屬礫塊粒狀物,但成分分析顯示電鍍工廠之礫塊另有銅(Cu)及鎳(Ni)等金屬元素存在。植物葉表藍色圓球形成不規則團塊的成分中皆測得Ti元素。對於鋼鐵機械、電鍍業、水泥業、噴漆業等工廠之粒狀物,由於其形態較易辨識且有特殊的元素成分存在,藉由顯微鏡觀察葉片表面粒狀物之形態並配合EDX的成分分析,可辨識粒狀物來源。
"Particulates from chimneys of different factories, vehicular emissions, soil particles, and leaf depositions were investigated with microscopy and analyzed with an energy-dispersive X-ray microanalyzer (EDX). Based on morphological features, we grouped the particulates into 5 major categories: black smoke and fluffy ash, cottony mass, metal gravel, colored granule cluster, and powder or crystal. Black smoke and fluffy ash were major particulates from different factories, and carbon (C) and silica (Si) were the main elements of these particulates. Sulfur (S), aluminum (Al), and calcium (Ca) were minor component elements of the black smoke and fluffy ash. The cottony mass, consisting mainly of carbon, was a major type from vehicular emissions. Iron (Fe) and oxygen (O) were the main elements of the metal gravel particulates characteristic of steel and machinery factories. Colored granule clusters were observed in samples from incinerators and steel factories; these samples primarily contained carbon and sulfur, but minor amounts of vanadium (V) and titanium (Ti) were also present. Powder was the major particulate type in samples of oil refineries, construction materials factories, and soil particles. The main elements of soil particles and construction materials factories were Si, Al, and O, while S was the main element of oil refineries. Leaf depositions on plants around cement, steel, painting or electroplating factories could be related to the pollution sources by morphological features and elemental compositions. Leaf depositions on plants surrounding the cement factory contained Ca, and those bordering the electroplating factory contained copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni). Our data demonstrate that leaf depositions can provide useful information in tracing pollution sources and evaluating impacts of pollution."
起訖頁 305-320
關鍵詞 空氣污染粒狀物掃描式電子顯微鏡能量分散型X微量分析形態air pollutionparticulatesSEMEDXmorphology
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200312 (45:4期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 超低量巴拉刈(paraquat)在胡瓜及玉米植株之殘留及藥害診斷
該期刊-下一篇 小花蔓澤蘭與蔓澤蘭發芽及營養生長之比較




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