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Effect of physiological resistance and plant architecture on yield of dry bean under disease pressure of white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)
作者 黃鴻章 (Hung-Chang Huang)Mündel, H. -H. (Mündel, H. -H.)Erickson, R. S. (Erickson, R. S.)
本研究旨在比較16個具有不同生理抗病性與植株生長特性的菜豆(Phaseolus vulagaris)品種或品系在田間菌核病( Sclerotinia sclerotiorum )的壓力下對產量之影響。於兩個不同地點連續三年( 1998-2000 )的六次試驗結果顯示,同時具有較高生理抗性( physiological resistance)與直立型植株生長特性( upright growth habit)的品種如AC Skipper及UI906在輕度罹病田及高度罹病田中的罹病率與產量損失均較為輕微;而具有低生理抗性或易葡伏或易倒伏( lodging)型,或僅具有其中一項優良特性的品種或品系如Viva、US 1140、NW63及L94C356等在輕度或高度罹病田中的罹病率及產量損失均較為嚴重。本研究結果得知在染有菌核病菌的田裏栽培菜豆,應選用具有生理抗性及直立生長特性的品種,以減少產量的損失。
"Field studies were conducted from 1998-2000 at Lethbridge and Vauxhall, Alberta, to determine the effects of white mold(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)on seed yield of 16 cultivars and lines of dry bean(Phaseolus vulgaris). Cultivars or lines with combined physiological resistance and upright growth habit, such as cultivars AC Skipper and UI906, were generally the least susceptible to white mold, even under high disease pressure. Cultivars or lines which lack either or both of the traits of physiological resistance and upright growth habit, such as cultivars Viva, US1140 and NW63, and line L94C356, were more susceptible to white mold than those cultivars or lines that possess both traits. This study concludes that planting dry bean cultivars or lines with upright growth habit and physiological resistance can minimize the incidence of white mold and thereby reduce the loss of seed yield in fields with heavy infestation of S. sclerotiorum."
起訖頁 169-176
關鍵詞 菜豆Phaseolus vulgaris菌核病Sclerotinia sclerotiorum生理抗病性直立型植株產量Sclerotinia sclerotiorumwhite moldPhaseolus vulgarisbeandisease resistance
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200309 (45:3期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-下一篇 番石榴網袋包與渦旋式誘蠅器在芒果園誘殺東方果實蠅之效果評估




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