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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The Research of Applying Multi-Stage Dynamic Assessment to Facilitate the Learning Potential of Checking Performance on Mathematical Problem Solving for First Graders |
作者 |
許家驊 |
中文摘要 |
本研究係結合動態評量與錯誤偵測作業來試探及評估個體的數學解題檢核能力,並探求其與解題表現間之關係。篩選後正式對象共26人,採組間實驗設計,處理組接受中介評量程序,而參照組則給予自我練習機會。結果發現處理組解題檢核學習進步表現顯著優於參照組,且具大幅度效果值與關聯強度。處理組內標準群表現優於連續群,連續群非標準化中介表現又較標準化中介表現為佳,透過組合指標可再區分出兩群內個體間的學習潛力。之後藉由不同中介階段解題檢核表現的診斷分析,針對個體找出相對應之各項問題。此外個體檢核與解題表現間具中度正向關聯,處理組解題表現有隨檢核學習進步而呈正向改變的現象。 |
英文摘要 |
The researcher combines Multi-Stage Dynamic Assessment (MSDA) model with error detection tasks to facilitate the learning potential of MPS checking performance for first graders, and investigates the interrelationships between solving with checking performance. Taking the between paired grouping experimental design to proceed study. The screened samples are 26 by pre-testing, and paired 13 to each group. One group is mediated by multi session dynamic assessment, the other take self-practice. Then two groups accept needed testing. Next the data are analyzed by adequate statistical methods. The simple gain scores of treatment group on checking performance are better than counterpart significantly. The effectiveness of cumulative facilitation, potential discrimination, deficiency diagnosis and prescription for multi session dynamic assessment are found in treatment group. There is medium positive correlation existed between solving and checking performance also. |
起訖頁 |
287-309 |
關鍵詞 |
可能發展區間、動態評量、鷹架教學中介、後設認知、數學解題、錯誤偵測、ZPD、Dynamic assessment、DA、Error detection performance on mathematical problem solving、MPS、Metacognition、Intervention of scaffolding instruction、Zone of proximal development |
刊名 |
教育心理學報 |
期數 |
200503 (36:3期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
目標層次、回饋訊息對數學工作表現與學習動機之效果:考量國中生的控制信念 |