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Effect of Honeybee Pollination on the Yield and Fruit Quality of Strawberry Variety 'Toyonoka' (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)
作者 陳吉同謝豐國
本研究利用網室與罩網隔離方法,比較有無蜜蜂授粉對'豐香'品種草莓產量與品質之差異。於1、2月試驗期間,網室內放置蜜蜂授粉,可顯著增加產果數;但總產量,僅於2月有顯著增加。田間草莓花上造訪之東方蜂(Apis cerana)數量是西方蜂(Apis mellifera)的4.5倍,顯示苗栗縣大湖地區草莓,主要依賴東方蜂授粉,且授粉活動介於11 a.m.至13:30 p.m.之間。經蜜蜂授粉結果之草莓,其瘦果發育率及重量,皆顯著高於隔離蜜蜂授粉者;自12月至1月調查結果顯示,開放蜜蜂授粉區所生產之特級與一級果實百分率皆高於罩網者,平均每天特級與一級果實產量,約為無蜜蜂授粉者之2倍。試驗結果亦顯示果實重量與果實上瘦果發育數目呈直線關係(Y=0.06X+3.06,R^2=0.70),但與瘦果發育率則無明顯相關。
"This experiment used screen house and net exclusion methods to measure the effect of honeybee pollination on the yield and fruit quality of strawberry variety 'Toyonoka'. During January and February, the introduction of honeybee colony into the screen house significantly increased the number of fruit sets, but significant yield increase only occurred in February. In the open strawberry field, among the foragers on flowers, the number of Apis cerana was 4.5 fold that of Apis mellifera, indicating that A. cerana is the major pollinator on strawberries in the Tahu area of Miaoli County. The pollinating activity mainly occurred between 11:00 and 13:30. Open pollination significantly increased the rates of developed achenes and fruit weight as compared with the isolating cages. The results from December to January showed that the percentages of the super and the first grade fruits of the open plots were higher than those of the caged plots. Average daily yields of the super and the first grade fruits of the open plots were 2 times those of the caged plots. The fruit weight was linearly related to the number of developed achenes (Y=0.06X+3.06, R^2=0.70), but not to the rate of developed achenes on fruit."
起訖頁 117-127
關鍵詞 草莓蜜蜂授粉東方蜂strawberryhoneybeepollinationApis cerana
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200106 (43:2期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 橫山梨果腐病之病因及病原菌藥劑感受性測定
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣山藥之一種害蟲(半翅目:盲椿科)──一種新的重要經濟重要害蟲




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