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In-between the Trail of Ideology:An Analysis on Chen Ying-Zhen's Thoughts and Writing Style Trajectory
作者 白依璇
"This paper intends to describe why and how Chen Ying-Zhen's trajectory of left-wing spirits alienated from his early modernist style. Similar to some of Lu Xun's certain writing, Chen took the stance of a modernist and considered modernism as a media to convey his ideals in his earlier works. Yet after the economic colonization came along with the American Adds and also after the Native Literary Debate, these historical events had influenced his writing style and his writing strategy thus had been altered. What this paper tries to discuss is to delineate the shifting in Chen Ying-Zhen's styles. In his early writings, Chen deploys modernism unconsciously. As time goes by, especially during the Literature Quarterly period, he alienated himself from modernism. His left-wing spirit becomes clearer and there are more ideological elements in his works. The aims of this paper is to depict how Chen turned to realism in his later style in accordance with the exterior events. As writing strategy and literary skills only serve as the vehicle to convey his ideology, they are constantly changing with the shifting trajectory of Chen's ideology. It is necessary for Chen to reconstruct a new writing style if he tries to abandon his early modernist image. After revising his version of realism, he applies this updated realism to criticize contemporary Taiwan society with his nationalistic point of view. In this paper, I would like to trace the trajectory of Chen's stylistic turn in his texts and illustrate the reasons behind it."
起訖頁 141-163
關鍵詞 陳映真現代主義現實主義藝術技巧Chen Ying-ZhenModernismRealismIdealismLiterary skills Writing strategy
刊名 文史臺灣學報  
期數 201406 (8期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學台灣文化研究所
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣現代民間信仰的實踐:台中大坑奉天宮的田野實例
該期刊-下一篇 詛咒、反抗、救贖:從《咒之環》論李喬的文化論述及神學思想




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