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An Analysis of Transaction Costs in the Evolution of Vietnam’s Universities Tuition System after the 21st Century
作者 林志忠 (Lin, Jyh-Jong)
本文主要探討 21 世紀後越南大學學費制度的演變,首先分析 21 世紀後越南公立和非公立大學教育快速發展的現象,而後再進一步分析21世紀後越南各類大學學費制度之變化,其中還分別從 2015 學年度之前、2015-2020 學年度間和 2021學年度以後三階段,討論越南公立大學學費上限的設定。再者本文從交易成本角度,針對〈越南政府〉、〈學校〉、〈家長與學生〉等三類利害關係人,分析越南大學學費制度變化的動因與影響。這包括政府對公立大學學費制度強制主導與監督的作法,學校、家長與學生之相應作法,以及可能對弱勢學生所造成的負面影響。最後,本文歸納結論,並對政府、學校、家長與學生等三面向,分別從交易成本的角度提出今後應積極思考與改進的建議。
"This article mainly discusses the evolution of the tuition system of Vietnam’s universities after the 21st century. First, It analyzes the rapid development of public and non-public university education in Vietnam after the 21st century. And then it analyzes the changes in the tuition system of various universities in Vietnam after the 21st century. This part be divided into three stages, including before the 2015 academic year, during the 2015-2020 academic year, and after the 2021 academic year, it discusses the setting of the upper limit of tuition fees for public universities in Vietnam. Furthermore, from the perspective of transaction costs theory, this article analyzes the motivation and impact of the changes in the tuition system of Vietnam’s universities for the three types of stakeholders: the government, schools, parents and students. This includes the government's mandatory leadership and supervision of the tuition system of public universities, the corresponding practices of schools, parents and students, and the possible negative effects on disadvantaged students. Finally, this article summarizes the conclusions, and proposes suggestions for positive thinking and improvement in the future from the perspective of transaction costs of the aspects of government, schools, parents and students. "
起訖頁 115-144
關鍵詞 越南大學學費制度交易成本universities of Vietnamtuition systemtransaction costs theo
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202201 (3:1期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
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