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The Concerns and Priority for an Elementary School Principal in the First Year
作者 黃彥超
"The role of the beginning principal suffers from the change. The principal not only plays the role of leadership but also confronts problems and predicaments. Researcher uses a narrative inquiry approach to analyze the first-year principal’s concerns and priority in an elementary school. According to the research, the conclusions are showed as follows: (1) The principal affects the school organization and education administrative authorities affect the principal. (2) There are no regularities in school management. The only one thing that principal has to do is to choose the best way. (3) The beginning principal doesn’t master all affairs, he speaks, acts cautiously, and learns by doing. (4) The beginning principal often faces to predicaments in small school which in remote areas. Besides taking curriculum leadership and teaching leadership, he takes care about the learning to monitor the quality of education. (5) Being actively communicating and garnering consensus, the principal must be good at using affection. (6) A peaceful resolution is important to principal to manage and he acts step by step to face the change. The principal keeps positive interaction of stakeholders. (7) The principal has to care about all affairs in school and he needs more time to be familiar with school culture."
起訖頁 251-282
關鍵詞 初任校長校長角色角色認同敘事探究beginning principalthe role of principalrole identitynarrative inquiry
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202112 (2:6期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 原住民知識體系內容的建構、轉化及傳承的分析:以原住民小學自然領域學科教科書為例
該期刊-下一篇 假新聞與媒體識讀認知理論之分析探討




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