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The Curriculum Transformation of Teachers College under University Law and Teacher Education Law: The Case of National Taitung Teachers’College
作者 王前龍
"According to the old University Law applied during the restructuring of Teachers Colleges in 1976, the 'Compulsory Subject Lists' of universities and of each department should be set by the Ministry of Education. Besides, based on the regulation that college must have more than three departments, so Taitung Teachers College was divided into five departments, but still based on the Normal Education Law to follow the Ministry’s 'Draft Table of Subjects for Teachers’Colleges' to cultivate whole-subjects elementary school teachers. There were a total of 74 credits for general courses and 44 credits for education majors, while specialized course for each department was only 30 credits. The new University Law in 1983 stipulates that universities shall enjoy autonomy within the legal scope, which was also applied to Taitung Teachers’College. The Teacher Education Law stipulated that teacher colleges and universities that set up teacher education programs were both teacher education institutions, and only stipulated that the minimum program was 40 credits, in which the education majors courses should be report to the Ministry of Education for approval and implementation, while the specialized courses were open for self-recognition. Therefore, Taitung Teachers’College gradually planned 50 credits of education major courses, which contained 20 credits of basic teaching subjects similar to the old general courses, more than the minimum set of 10 credits. The 32 credits of the old general courses were transformed to liberal education courses corresponded to the abolishment of 'University Common Compulsory Subject Table.' The remaining 22 credits were developed by each of the 9 departments for specialized subjects like a comprehensive university. specialized courses for middle school teacher education, but there was still no standard for specialized courses for elementary school teacher education. The Taitung Teachers’College was reconstructed into university in 2003, the liberal education courses were reduced to 28 credits, and the specialized courses were increased to 60 credits. It was also repositioned as a 'university of teacher education' and the teacher education courses were adjusted to the statutory lower limit of 40 credits. However, many departments transformed into non-teachers-education department was not completed until 2013."
起訖頁 131-155
關鍵詞 師範學院大學自主師資培育法師培課程課程史teachers college university autonomy Teacher Education Lawprogram of teacher educationcurriculum history
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202112 (2:6期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 多元教學策略於師資培育「職業教育與訓練」課程之教學實踐研究
該期刊-下一篇 雙語教育在師資培育課程的問題之探析




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