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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Learning Outcome: A Meta-Analysis Approach |
作者 |
黃寶園、林世華 |
中文摘要 |
本研究之目的乃透過統合分析法(meta-analysis),對「合作學習」過去所累積的研究資料,做客觀、計量性的分析,以瞭解它對於學生「學習成就」「情意態度」「學習成效」的影響。本研究經電腦檢索、溯洄法,計蒐集到22篇有關「合作學習」的施測或研究報告。最後將資料以電腦程式Meta-HC進行分析。研究結果顯示:合作學習對於「學習成就」「情意態度」「學習成效」均有正向的影響,但是強度都不高。在「學習成就」上的加權平均效果量d值為0.3256;在「情意態度」上的加權平均效果量d值為0.2573;在「學習成效」上的加權平均效果量d值為0.2870。以Cohen的標準而言都屬於中低程度的效果量。綜觀本文的結果:合作學習對於學生的學習而言是具有正向的影響,不過其效果不高。因此是否作為教室中學生的主要學習方式,教師必須審酌各項條件與結果再行決定。 |
英文摘要 |
This study uses meta-analysis to examine the effect size of twenty-two Cooperative Learning related research studies in Taiwan on student’s Learning Achievement, Affection Attitude, and Learning Outcome. The authors used computer program Meta-HC for analyzing data. The analyses revealed that Cooperative Learning had a positive affect on student’s Learning Achievement, Affection Attitude, Learning Outcome. However the effects size were low and moderate. Learning Achievement: d = 0.3256, Affection Attitude: d = 0.2573, Learning Outcome: d = 0.2870. In sum, Cooperative Learning has a positive effect on student’s Learning Achievement, Affection Attitude, and Learning Outcome. However, the effects are small. Thus, if a teacher wants to use Cooperative Learning as the main learning method in the classroom, he/she ought to consider the conditions and effects that might be caused by the methodological issues. |
起訖頁 |
21-41 |
關鍵詞 |
合作學習、情意態度、統合分析、學習成就、Cooperative learning、Affection attitude、Meta-analysis、Learning achievement |
刊名 |
教育心理學報 |
期數 |
200210 (34:1期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
家庭環境因素對兒童閱讀能力影響之探討 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
學習歷程前決策與後決策階段中行動控制的中介角色 |