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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The Effects of Integrated Teaching Model of Multiple Intelligences and Problem-Solving on Mathematics Performance of Elementary School Students |
作者 |
林奕宏、張景媛 |
中文摘要 |
本研究探討多元智能與問題解決整合型教學模式對國小學生數學學習表現的影響。研究者融合多元智能論及問題解決教學建構整合型教學模式,以一班六年級學生為實驗教學對象;另一班控制組行傳統教學。結果發現:實驗教學一學期後,在成就測驗上,實驗組學生顯著較高;在解題歷程上,實驗組學生的自我表達、形成解題目標、水平遷移、解題正確數等方面表現較佳;實驗組中、高成就生運用圖示表徵的表現優於控制組中、高成就生。在態度量表上,實驗組學生的整體數學態度、學習信心及探究動機顯著較高;在態度訪談上,實驗組學生具有:學生為學習中心、易將數學與生活聯結、數學基模活化較廣、重視同儕互動等四項特點。 |
英文摘要 |
The major purpose of this study was to explore the effect of Integrated Teaching Model of Multiple Intelligences and Problem-Solving on elementary school students’ mathematics achievement, problem-solving process, and mathematics attitude. This study combined the theory of multiple intelligences with problem-solving teaching strategy to form the Integrated Teaching Model of Multiple Intelligences and Problem-Solving. Our subjects include two sixth-grade classes, one class was the experimental group, and the other was the control group. The teacher in the control group conducted the traditional instruction. After a whole semester’s experimental intervention, the results showed that: about mathematics achievement, the experimental group student’s performance was better than the control group’s; about problem-solving process, the performance of the experimental group students on the ability of self-expression, to form a goal and to transfer laterally, as well as the problem-solving process, and accuracy numbers were better than those of the control group; the middle and high achievement students in the experimental group perform better on diagramming than control group students; about mathematics attitude, the experimental group students’ mathematics attitude, confidence in mathematics-learning, and motive of mathematics-exploring were enhanced; the experimental group students’ mathematics attitude with the features of: “student-centered learning”, “to apply the mathematics concepts in daily life”, “wide mathematics schema”, and “focus on student-student interaction”. |
起訖頁 |
1-29 |
關鍵詞 |
多元智能、問題解決、數學教學、Multiple intelligences、Problem-solving、Mathematics teaching |
刊名 |
教育心理學報 |
期數 |
200110 (33:1期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
921地震災區寄讀學童經歷地震災難及參與心理重建團體心理轉變之歷程分析 |