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"A Study of Product Attributes, Perceived Value and Consumer Behavior Towards Online-Shopping Bakery Product"
作者 劉潄珊柯文華呂旻諺柯詠馨
"With the advent of the technological era and the impact of the COVID19 epidemic, the trend of online shopping bakeries has continued to increase, the physical consumption shop was replaced more and more. In this study, 500 questionnaires were sent out, and 468 valid questionnaires were retrieved. The effective rate was 93.6%. SPSS statistical and AMOS software were used to analyze data such as descriptive statistical analysis, reliability analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, and SEM. This study aims to investigate consumers' research on bakery attributes, perceived value and purchasing behavior when purchasing online shopping bakery products from small-scale businesses on online shopping platforms and to understand consumers' preferences for bakery products. The attributes of online shopping bakery products purchased online are divided into two aspects: basic function and convenient function. The basic functional attribute most valued by consumers is ''the quality of bakery products''. Among the facets of the convenience functional attribute, ''the safety of packaging and materials used in homemade bakery products purchased online'' got the highest score. Perceptual value is divided into two aspects: acquired utility and transactional utility. Among the acquired utility, consumers find that ''having a positive impression on homemade bakery purchased online'' scores the highest. In terms of transaction utility, ''ordering online can increase convenience'' has the highest score. There are significant correlations among product attributes, perceived value, behavioral motivation, behavioral intention and behavior. Product attributes have significant positive effects on perceived value and behavioral motivation, so do perceived value on behavioral motivation and purchasing behavior, and behavioral motivation on behavioral intention and behavioral intention on purchasing behavior. Finally, research suggestions for three aspects: small-scale online shopping bakery business, school catering department and bakery training units, and government-related units and the national pastry association were put forward."
起訖頁 23-41
關鍵詞 網路購物烘焙產品產品屬性知覺價值消費者行為online shoppingbakery productproduct attributesperceived valuepurchasing behavior
刊名 觀光旅遊研究學刊  
期數 202112 (16:2期)
出版單位 銘傳大學觀光學院
該期刊-上一篇 影響『豪華露營場』露客忠誠度的決定因素探討
該期刊-下一篇 北投生活環境博物園區永續觀光之研究




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