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Coopetition Strategies for the Development of Cross-Strait Financial Technology
作者 胡文正吳佳霏
本文主要探討兩岸金融科技的發展及未來可能之競合策略。根據SWOT 分析,臺灣具有高素質之人力資源、經商便利度高、資通訊基礎建設完善等發展金融科技的優勢,並且在臺灣與中國大陸金融交流互動密切的基礎上,可運用臺灣ICT 及金融科技領域上人才質優且精,以及金融數位化轉型的階段,擁有進一步把握中國大陸當前金融體制改革和「一帶一路」等新的合作機會。由於臺灣也存在國內相關法規不健全、人才資金不足,以及金融科技市場狹小且未即時與國際接軌等劣勢,以及面臨近年來中國大陸供應鏈、印度等國網路科技產崛起,還有許多國家爭相吸引軟體科技人才至該國創業,臺灣卻缺少吸引軟體科技人才,以及金融科技可能帶來的泡沫化與資安威脅等風險。本文提出結合兩岸金融科技發展趨勢,探討未來兩岸可能合作之方向,提供五大具體政策建議,包括打造穩定的法制政策環境、強化金融科技知識交流互動、借鏡國際的經驗與協助、兩岸重視金融科技人才的培育、以及吸引境外金融機構走進來之政策,以供政府、業者以及相關單位參考。
"We explore Fintech development and cooperation between Taiwan and China as we begin with the analysis of the global investment and developmental trends of Fintech. Then the comparisons of policy evolution, trends, and prospects are based on the similarities and differences between Taiwan and China. Furthermore, we continue the analysis by using SWOT to propose Taiwan has the advantages of high-quality human capital, high ease of doing business, and impeccable ICT infrastructure. Finally, this thesis concludes that Taiwan can enjoy great prospects for cooperation with China since the Chinese is going through financial reform and the One Belt One Road initiative. However, Taiwan also has disadvantages such as inadequate regulations, insufficient funds, smaller markets, and the lack of immediate integration with the international community. In recent years, Taiwan has also faced some challenges. For example, the growing number of IT talents in China and India has attracted entrepreneurs from many countries, but Taiwan is short of attraction in recruiting IT talents in software as we face the burst of the Fintech bubble and information security risk. In conclusion, the thesis suggests five policy recommendations - create a stable regulatory environment, strengthen the exchange of Fintech knowledge, absorb experience and assistance from the international community, focus more on the cultivation of Fintech talents, and last but not the least, make policy to attract more foreign financial institutional investors."
起訖頁 93-122
關鍵詞 金融科技金融創新金融發展普惠金融FintechFinancial InnovationFinancial DevelopmentFinancial Inclusion
刊名 商業法律與財金期刊  
期數 202112 (4:1期)
出版單位 台灣金融法律學會
該期刊-上一篇 論金融資安於彈性數位營運法之展望
該期刊-下一篇 過度自信對併購事件之影響?




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