英文摘要 |
"With the popularity of mobile communication media, travelers could receive complete road network information at any time on the current urban road network. Therefore, how to provide travelers predictive traffic information for the demand of trip planning, such as selecting a suitable departure time, guiding the travel route, avoiding congestion and accident, and improving transportation efficiency, has become an important research issue. This study, based on trip-chain route choice pattern interpreting the traveler's behavior of avoiding rush-hour traffic congestion, develop a traveler departure time choice time-dependent traffic assignment model. Furthermore, to ensure this model is applicable for transportation planning practice, this study considers the change of traffic flow propagation in the time-space network must satisfy the first-in-first-out (FIFO) principle, and the reflection of travel time influenced by link outflow must comply capacity constraint. Therefore, this paper formulated a bi-level programming model, and relent mathematical properties are proved. We develop the iteration scheme solution algorithm to solve the model and provide numerical examples for model validation. Finally, some concluding remarks and future research directions are presented." |