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Impact of Job Analysis and Motivation Factors on Job Performance: the Moderating Effect of Educational and Training
作者 王怡強
過去教育訓練之研究主要強調其能力對工作績效提升之效果,而激勵理論則強調意願而忽略組織成員能力之問題。因此,本研究整合教育訓練與激勵因子,探討二者對工作績效之影響。研究中針對台南市保險從業人員進行問卷調查,並回收308 份問卷進行分析。結果有四個主要發現,1.教育訓練對績效考核有正向干擾,也就是增加教育訓練可以提升績效考核。2.教育訓練對工作績效無正向顯著影響,也就是僅作教育訓練而無激勵措施,無法提升工作績效。3.教育訓練以績效考核、升遷及薪資報酬等激勵措施為中介,則對工作績效有正向顯著影響。4.工作分析之產出職務說明書,是推動績效考核、晉升及薪資報酬等人力資源管理之基礎。
"In the past, education and training research mainly emphasized the effect of competency on job performance, while motivation theory emphasized willingness and neglected the issue of organization members' competency. Therefore, this study integrates educational training and motivational factors to explore the impact of both on job performance. This study conducted a questionnaire survey on the insurance practitioners in Tainan city, and collected 308 feedbacks. There are four findings: 1. Education and training have positive effect on employees' efficiency assessment, that is, increasing education and training improve efficiency assessment. 2. Education and training without incentives, there is no positive effect or enhancement on their job performance. 3. By combining education and training with efficiency assessment, promotion, and remuneration, we see a positive impact on the job effectiveness. 4. Job description is the basis of human resources management such as performance assessment, promotion, and remuneration."
起訖頁 322-339
關鍵詞 工作分析教育訓練績效考核薪資報酬工作績效Job analysisEducation and trainingPerformance assessmentRemunerationJob performance
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 202203 (11:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 無人商店服務品質發展之改善策略模式
該期刊-下一篇 互動式冒險遊戲設計與開發




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